


Ning stopped cultivating when he heard the knock on the door. He stood up and curiously walked out to the door. 

Since he was inside a city, he didn't use his spiritual sense without reserve, so he could only wonder who came to meet him in the morning.

When he opened the door, he saw a young-ish man wearing a green robe with a gentle smile on his face. 

Ning looked at the man and thought his face looked familiar, but couldn't immediately make out from where. 

"Are you… teacher Ning?" he asked. 

"Yes. Who might you be?" Ning asked.

"Ah, so it is you. Nice to meet you, teacher Ning. You can call me Kindley," the man said. 

"Oh, what may I help you with, brother Kindley?" Ning asked. 

"Nothing, teacher Ning. I heard that you were here, and came over to thank you," Kindley said. 

"Thank…me?" NIng was a little confused. 

"Yes. Thanks to you, my wife and son are safe," Kindley said. 
