

"Oh, it's you. Why do you always sound angry?" Ning asked with a slight chuckle. 

Elenora immediately put her hands to the side around the students as if to protect them. Ning got a little confused when he saw that. 

"You finally showed your true self, didn't you? It must be you behind this attack too. Acting like you were a weak little cultivator when in truth you were this strong."

"I told the staff members but they didn't believe me. Hah, now they are going to be the doom of us all," Elenora said. 

Ning got a little confused. "Wait, wait, wait. Do you think all of this is my doing? Are you an idiot?" Ning asked. 

"No need to keep up the facade. I can see how strong you really are.  No person without an objective would hide their cultivation base while entering a new place," Eleonora said. 

"Huh?" Ning was surprised this time. "You could see my cultivation base even when I had it hidden? That's weird. How could you…" 
