

Two months passed before Ning could even realize it. 

"So, make sure to make the paste as smooth as possible to have the highest effect. You can only achieve that with a really good mortal and pestle. So, make sure to not be stingy when buying one. Get one that is good, even if you have to spend a lot of money," Ning explained to the Physician class. 

"Alright, that's it for today. Due to the exams coming up, there won't be another class next week."

Ning waved to the students and walked out of the class. He was currently wearing a red robe since he was still in the Alchemy wing, but his clothes had 4 different badges. 

He had 2 silver badges with a leaf and a claw imprinted on them for Alchemy and Beast Master classes as well as 2 bronze badges with a mortar and pestle, and a ladybug on them for teaching Physician and Bug handling classes. 
