

"Haha, Idiot. So weak, and you dare cultivate outside?" a woman spoke from behind Ning. Ning slowly opened his eyes and looked back at her. 

The girl was riding an elephant beast which seemed to have bonded with her. Despite the night sky being cloudy and without light, Ning had no trouble seeing the reddish-brown color of the elephants. 

'Sigh, that's just a normal Earth-Skinned Elephant. It's not even at a high cultivation base,' Ning thought. 

He looked at the woman and said, "You do know that If I kill your elephant it will die for real right? Only you will get saved, not the elephant."

"Oh, big words for someone about die," the woman said as she laughed. "Let's hurry, Tiny. We need to go kill some more."

"T-Tiny? The Elephant?" the corner of Ning's lips twitched as he forced himself to not laugh. 'What sort of psycho names their elephant Tiny?' he thought. 
