
A Changed Klavis

Ning had stopped crying by now. Hijaka didn't stay anything and just stayed by Ning. 

"How did you know who I was? It's been 165 years right?" Ning asked. 

"Haha, your images are everywhere in the ancestral land. Every time I go there, grandfather makes me look at the statues and posters for hours on end," Hijaka said. 

"What? Why would they have a poster of me?" Ning was a little surprised. 

"To the Klavian people, you are what led to their growth and expansion of the land. You are also what led to the people's long life as well as let us see the rest of the world."

"Thus, to the Klavian people you are not just a benefactor, you are a god," Hijaka said. 

Ning blushed a little. "Aish, here I even told them I was a nobody and that they didn't have to call me a god," he said. 

"So, wait. You said you were his grandson; how many children does he have?" Ning asked. 
