
Not Pregnant

"Hello, brother. Who am I attending today?" Ning asked the man at the registration hall. 

"Hmm… let me check," the man said and started looking for something. Ning knew that this man was under the orders of Neal to give him some random physicians that would trouble him. 

Neal couldn't do anything directly or that would go against the rules of the guild, so he could only do such underhanded things. 

"Ah, here it is. It's the physician in room 42," the man said. 

"Room 42? No name?" Ning was surprised. The man simply shook his head. Ning just left. 

'Sigh, whatever. I've been here for 2 weeks already. It's not like I haven't seen every bad physician there is in the guild,' Ning thought. Most of the physicians he worked under weren't even that bad in their work, only their professionalism. 

'Throw me what you want you old fart, nothing will surprise me,' Ning thought as he opened to door to room 42. 

… And he was surprised. 
