
You're Up To Something

That wasn't helpful at all. Roman refused to let such a fascinating woman slip through his fingers. There had to be something he could do…but there was no proof Penny was ignoring him yet. He would have to wait for the verdict first. 

He didn't have to wait long. Harry looked up at him with a frown. "Yeah, you're screwed. She just accepted mine."

Roman blew out a frustrated breath. Was he reading her wrong or what? Why had she blown him off after they were getting along so well? Did he make her uncomfortable in some way? 

"Maybe she's picky about who she accepts," Harry said quickly. "She probably only accepted me because she felt threatened, like you said. I mean, you did only meet once. She might be the type who only adds people she knows well."

Roman thought about it. He might have a point. He had only talked to Penny once…he didn't know what kind of person she was. 

"Then do you think I still have a chance?" he asked somewhat desperately. 
