
She Shouldn't Judge Her Too Harshly

Penelope was overwhelmed by all the information Percy was dumping on her. She scrambled to find something to write with so she could take notes and listened intently as he told her everything he could about being a cashier. 

He finished by saying, "…if you get stuck, rely on a coworker for help by playing up the 'injured wrist' card. This is all I can teach you for now; my next class is about to start. Do you think you can do it?"

"Probably?" She hadn't meant to that to come out sounding like a question. 

Percy sighed. "Probably will have to be good enough for now. I'll text you the addresses for both of your jobs. Don't screw up. I'll talk to you later."

He hung up without so much as saying goodbye, which was the same way her brother operated. Funny what things remained consistent across parallel worlds despite different life experiences. 
