
Do Your Best Though

After a while, the subject abruptly changed back to the issue of Roman.

"Keep reading those journals. I'll dig out the old home videos that have him in them; his family and ours got together on special occasions pretty often growing up. And if you're really that worried, just go to that conference in San Francisco once you're back to work," Percy said casually.

Penelope's brow creased in confusion. "Conference?"

"Yeah. Penn—you were really excited about it; the boss chose you and two others from the office to represent the firm at an advertising conference being held up there. He might not want to send you now because you'll barely be back to work when it happens but I'm sure you could convince him to let you go. You are a bit of a workaholic."

She had gotten that impression from that conversation with her mother about not working from home. That trait seemed to run in the family. She had never considered herself a workaholic though.

Would it have happened that way if she had a career she actually enjoyed? She supposed she could never know for sure.

"How would going to that even help?" Penelope asked.

Percy looked at her like she was stupid. "Duh. It's a week long and that's one less week you'll have to spend with Roman. You can take some time to mentally adjust to the idea or whatever. You only have a week and a half left before you can go back to work, right?"


"Then you'll have a day or two to convince your boss to let you go still. Show him how healthy you are or whatever."

Hmm. The idea had merit. And Penelope couldn't deny that it would be awesome to check out real graphic design work at play. She had quit school before the time came to do an academic internship.

"Alright, I'll give it a try," she said with a shrug. "Do you honestly think I'll be able to fool him for much longer though? Business trip or no business trip."

The 'are you an idiot?' look crossed his face again. "Penny, you're identical and seem to have the exact same tastes. He might think you're acting weird but I highly doubt he'll jump to thinking 'this woman can't possibly be my wife.' He's not nearly as open-minded as I am."

Open-minded was a kind way to describe Percy. At best he was eccentric and at worst he was a theoretical science zealot. But she had always found him entertaining.

Penelope had to admit that the truth was pretty farfetched. But she still didn't want him to think she was up to something. If his wife came back and he was suspicious of her that could cause a variety of problems.

"Still…" she hedged.

"You can do this! As an objective bystander, I can tell you whatever you want to know about your relationship. The three of us have spent a lot of time together over the years," Percy encouraged.

Penelope's earlier curiosity about the relationship her fake husband and brother shared. "I'm honestly more curious what he's like with you."

He raised an eyebrow. "Me? He's like the big brother I never had. He treats me about the same as you do though it's completely obvious that the things I say to him go completely over his head. But he's a good guy. His sense of humor is similar to yours too so we get along well."

Interesting. She hadn't spent enough time with Roman to gauge what his sense of humor was like. But since laughter was such an integral part of who she was, it would have been odd if she didn't marry someone whose sense of humor was compatible with hers.

"The two of you joke around a lot," Percy continued. "For the longest time you treated him like nothing but a big brother. That sibling-like teasing never changed even once you did decide you liked him back."

Penelope frowned. She hadn't gotten that far in the journals yet. Her alternate sixteen-year-old self was barely starting to have hints of jealousy at the thought of Roman being interested in other girls.

"Is he a really touchy-feely person? Because he totally seems like one," she said uncomfortably.

Percy rolled his eyes. "Ugh, is he ever! From the moment the two of you started dating he hasn't been able to keep his hands off you. He's always holding your hand on top of the table at family dinners or sitting as close as possible with an arm around your shoulders."

She sighed heavily. Great. This was going to be difficult.

He suddenly gave her a sharp look. "You haven't kissed him, have you? Since coming here I mean. Referring to the two Pennys separately is confusing."

"Of course not! He's kissed me a few times but never on the lips. I think it's because I'm still recovering. But what am I supposed to do after that?! He isn't my husband," Penelope groaned, burying her face in her hands.

"…you probably won't be able to put it off indefinitely without him getting suspicious. Do your best though. You're right; that is totally weird," Percy said while pulling a face.

"Thanks," she said sarcastically.

"Technically speaking, you are his wife here so the only questionable morality is on your part since you weren't the soul that married him."



Penelope scowled. "Stop talking about this. You're my baby brother and it's weird."

She did not want to be discussing her romantic life (or lack thereof) with him. She had never gone into detail about anything with her past boyfriends. They hadn't done anything beyond making out but she hadn't even told him that much. It was implied but never spoken of.

They were siblings! That sort of thing was meant to be private. Plus he would only give her a hard time about it.

Percy shrugged. "I'll drop it but you probably should do as little as you can in that department without arousing suspicion."

Penelope wadded up her napkin and chucked it at his face to put an end to the discussion once and for all. He grinned at her childishness and finished off his crepe.
