
Luo Chenxi

They reached their fields very soon and Feng Dai bid them goodbye with a 'see you later ,' then he too went to his family's rice field where his brothers were already working .

Lin Chen and Lin Jing had worked the entire morning but still they could only clean half of the rice fields , the other half was still covered with weeds . When Lin Rui saw that his brothers were still working , he rolled his sleeves of his shirt , and headed towards the field .

Su Wan saw that Lin Rui was going into the fields , thus , she too rolled her sleeves and was preparing to go down in that muddy , slippery , leech filled rice paddies when Lin Chen who saw her enter , stopped her hurriedly " wife , you don't need to enter the paddy , aren't you tired after cooking breakfast for us so early in the morning ? Just sit there and watch " 
