
Druidragon [#5]


Hastur couldn't say anything.

He could only look at the sky as a strong, muscular arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer in the bed of soft leaves, furs, and hides, keeping them as comfortable as they could be in this place and situation. Hastur had to place both hands in his face to hide his blush, afraid that the burning red color of his cheeks would warn the sleeping viking beside him that he woke up before him, even when he was the one taking it all. 'My... This was my first time.' Yep, in both lives, he was a pure innocent maiden that kept her maidenhood before being deflowered by a strong, big, brute of a man with big arms and even bigger cock that tore through his "defenses" and went right for the kill.

Dagur was truly deranged, seeing as the moment he heard Hastur make the tiniest noise, he would do everything in his power (which was a lot, considering that Hastur didn't even think of resisting and would do about anything Dagur wanted, mostly because he wanted to experiment too, and was way too shy to ask) to make him do the same sound or a similar one again. He was a sadist at heart because he only got faster and more brutal as Hastur started crying. His words were insulting in the most precious ways. His thrusts were strong enough to tear through rocks if he wanted to try, and most importantly? The aftercare.

This was truly a fanfic world because Dagur? Taking care of someone? More likely than you'd think! He was a really caring man. (It was already shown in the series, seeing that he was trying to be a good brother for Heather) He made sure Hastur wasn't bleeding from what he did to him - Oh, he bled alright, but continuous healing from moaning a magical melody? That healed his hurts! - and even helped him drink water he himself went and got. He made the bed (They were fucking against everything and anything, like two rabid animals in heat) with the things Hastur had on Chandler the Gronkle before putting the languid and boneless Hastur on it, only then did he go to sleep alongside him.

The things he did... 'Fuck.' How the fuck can he get hard again just by thinking about what was done to him? He was pushed down to the ground, ass up, a foot on his head to keep him down as a cock drove inside his hole relentlessly, many times Dagur's hold would tighten enough to draw blood from his cheeks and make him moan like what Dagur liked to call: Dragon in Heat. He was also called names by said brute, such as Common Whore, Sin, Siren, and even an Incarnation of Freya... That last one was whispered to his ear as Dagur fucked him slowly, that had been their... 13th round? Dagur just enjoyed his cries so much that he couldn't stop until he heard Hastur begging him to, supplicating, he would have kneeled if he didn't have a cock inside him.

In fact, he did kneel, only to take a cock to the mouth to learn how to "Be a good wife" and take him well, please him well, so maybe he would keep him and together they'd rebuild the mighty and powerful Berserker tribe! I mean, what? He even did something that Hastur did not understand well - He had been crying, just feeling this heavy wrongness inside his chest after they were done, now with a clear head he understood that it was a Subdrop, but that moment he was crying like a bullied child. He even told the brute that it was his first time (He does remember how Dagur looked a little panicked at that, his smug, satisfied face broken by a sudden panic) and how no one was going to marry him anymore and he'd have to sell pictures of his feet and ankles like a poor Victorian woman whose husband had died and with him their fortune, a mother who had to feed her three children and - He remembers nothing beyond, well, just Dagur saying something about Loyalty?

Like, an Oath.

"Wait..." A memory came to mind, a memory of -

[Dagur the Deranged has made an Oath to you - Love, Protection, and Courage shall follow his footsteps.]

[Do you accept?]

[You've accepted Dagur the Deranged as your Paladin!]

[Dagur has made the Oath of Love]

[Dagur has become a Lvl 3 Paladin!]

[Paladin of Love:

They are known to be extremely committed to their cause, but what fuels their commitment is not a sense of morality or a divine sense of justice, but rather their very own feelings. Paladins of Love reject the idea that to be a holy warrior, one must be unfeeling in the commitment of living their life according to an oath. Their oath itself relies on the love that inspires them to swear by the tenets they follow. To them, loving eyes are the only eyes not clouded by superfluous ideals and morals.

Paladins of Love choose a beloved - or rather, their feelings choose for them. A paladin's beloved, what they love most in this world and all the others, is the source of their power. Most paladins' beloved are people. Parents who gain magical abilities by swearing an oath to love and protect their child, or lovers who battle together and use their love for each other as the force that guides their blows. Other paladins of love, however, find their beloved in a deity, or a place, or a group of people, or a concept. Paladins of love are not interested in questions of morality and are not required to find a beloved that is "good"; they are only required to love them unconditionally.

As long as the paladin feels an extremely powerful love towards their beloved, they can swear the Oath of Love and become what is commonly referred to as a Knight of Hearts.

Abilities Learned: Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Fighting Style: Dueling, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Channel Divinity (Loving Embrace, Galvanizing Affection).

(Loving Embrace. You can use your Channel Divinity to uncloud the feelings of a loved one, returning their mind and body to their control. As an action, you touch a creature. The creature is immediately free of the following conditions: charmed, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, and stunned. The creature is also free of any other effects that negate their free will, such as possession.

Galvanizing Affection. You can use your Channel Divinity to channel the strength of your love into an inspiring, rousing cry that empowers your loved ones. As an action, you present your holy symbol and choose a number of willing creatures (that can include you) equal to your charisma modifier. For 1 minute, these creatures add half of your charisma modifier, rounded up, to their damage rolls.)

Spells Learned:

Lvl 1: Bless (Lvl 1), Wrathful Smite (Lvl 1), Fling Self (Lvl 1), Will Charge (Lvl 1)]

- A memory of him crying, Dagur sighing while comforting him, saying: "If that's the problem, then I'll just marry you." He said it so nonchalantly that Hastur didn't believe him at first, until he actually did the whole process a Berserker would go through to ask someone for their hand in marriage, which was kinda cute. He laid his weapon before Hastur's feet, slashed his hand so his blood could fall on the blade, and asked: "With blood, iron, the earth, sky and the souls of the ancient as our witnesses - Will you marry me?" He remembers saying yes because, who else would marry someone not pure like him? "I promise my loyalty, my love, and my truth to you." He finished, brandished his sword just as Hastur took his bleeding hand and casted [Cure Wounds] on it. Dagur's hand glowed a soft, pale silvery color as his cut simply closed.

"And I do so promise." He didn't know then, but the moment he said those words, the magic around him snapped, a tether placed upon their souls - a promise made with the world as a witness? What else would happen other than being now married by the laws of man, gods, and magic!?

So yeah. Marriage, Magic, and Maniacs oh my.

-Scene Cut-

Being married to a mad man wasn't that bad, mostly because Dagur? He wasn't that crazy!

Sure, his ideas were a little bit unhinged and delusional at times, seeing as he got very excited when he learned that he was married to a Druid, a magical person who has magic powers! I mean, magic is pretty much everywhere in this world. It was believed by many and seen by many, but humans wielding magic? Those were rarer.

And that was when Hastur dropped the bombshell.

"I'm not totally human, though." I mean, literally. His magic was changing him to be beyond human, so while he is still human, he is changing and becoming something else! A dragon? Possibly. "I know I can become a dragon in the future... Like, a really big one, in fact, I'm starting now?" He showed him the silver scales underneath his arms that grew overnight, his claws receeded, and these scales were now here!

And what did this get him?

A big, throbbing cock to his ass as Dagur was beyond excited that his wife ("You're my wife, no matter what you say - Ahahah! *awkward pause* Too much?") was such a powerful magic user that he can become a dragon!? He was so excited that he pushed his wife down and just shoved his cock inside, ready to do his rites as a husband rights. His hand came towards Hastur's open mouth, and he shoved a thumb on it, a big, sweaty thumb that Hastur sucked on without even thinking about it.

His hips did not stop, even as Hastur cummed all over the ground beneath them, the pain only making the pleasure sweeter.

They did not accomplish much that day, other than Dagur figuring out how to use [Lay on Hands] and ending up healing some of the bruises he gave Hastur. Apparently, Dagur hasn't had sex in about 6 years, so he was venting his all pent-up sexual frustration on someone who could take it well - His wife. Hastur definitely did feel pregnant. Was he pregnant? Is he going to lay an egg now? Well, such questions faded away as Dagur pulled him into the waters of the waterfall, where he only had the rocks to hold himself before he was once again stuffed with cum, and then again, then again, and again.

He was so full, so happy, so fuzzy inside his head... He didn't even notice the dark shadow in Dagur's eyes fading away as he looked down at the man in his arms.

He lost control again, didn't he? Always hurting the ones he loved, pushing them away, being the insane one... But it seems to be working in his favor this time because he managed to get married to someone as crazy as him! "Fuck..." He decided to go look behind the waterfall, by the rock formations there must be a cave behind this waterfall, so maybe they could make camp there. This island was like their honeymoon, because all they did was fuck!

Not that he is complaining, far from it.

He just wants to find him, sister... But that can wait a couple hours - No, scratch that, maybe a few days, by the way things were going here.

He could feel his cock growing hard again... It was time to vent all his frustrations in another way, and by that I mean fucking his wife so hard he'll get pregnant.

Can he get pregnant? Lay an egg?

"That'd be cool." And indeed that would be.
