
Howl For Me [#5]

[Day 23]

"N-no, it's okay... You told me about your own situation Yoichi, it's only fair i do the same." 

You might be wondering what he was talking about, and i am telling you: Yoichi was not very good at feelings.

The very first thing he did when Akira woke up was to hog him up and take him to the bathroom- Now, baths weren't Yoichi's favorite thing, he hasn't even taken a bath for over a week now, he smelled really strong too thanks to the increase in testosterone he has been having for a while now. He smelled really manly, his musk was heavy and and sexy in ways that made Akira's nose burn: "C'mon, no sex today- Or at least not in the bath, i can smell it in you." Yoichi's sense of smell also increased a ton too, his nose has gotten sensitive to scents that he enjoyed and even more perceptive with things like Akira's scent. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but let's take a bath-" He didn't even finish his sentence when right in came walking Yuki, and on her mouth a struggling Mr. Riffles who was yawling and meowling, howling in distress that translated as 'No, i do not wish to take a bath! Master, please, have mercy!' As the dog dragged the cat into the bathroom.  

"Good job bringing the cat, Yuki." Yoichi patted the good girl's head as she whined happily, meanwhile Akira and Mr. Riffles both struggled not to take a bath- A "deafening" sound echoed in the silent and empty bathroom as Akira felt his ass burn with the pain of Yoichi's slap: "If you're gonna act like a brat-" Another slap! "I'M TREATING YOU AS A BRAT!" Akira placed his hand on his mouth, but it couldn't stop the small moan that escaped his mouth, making Yoichi tense up: "Goddamnit." He cursed softly before setting Akira down: "Shit-" Poking him from behind was Yoichi's large meat- I mean, he was about 6 inches before the process started, and now that they're a while into the process, it is about 7 and a half inches now, and it still growing, as is Yoichi's body! He was about 5'7 in the beginning, and now he's about 6' feet tall! His weight was about 69kg or 152lbs of muscle, and right now he has about 75kg or 175lbs of pure muscle and some fat too.

Compared to Akira's 5'5 frame and 5 inches dick, Yoichi was honestly more intimidating, handsome, sexy, and overall just- More. 

Akira had to scoff at the thought of someone like Yoichi ever thinking of loving someone like Akira.

"-no, we're not fucking now-" Yoichi grumbled: "-We're taking a bath, dammit!" Akira nodded before the warm water hit his hair, he relaxed slightly as the water flowed down his body and he remained seated, Yoichi soon did something unexpected- He put shampoo on his hands and started to scrub Akira's hair. "Hm... Thanks Yoichi." Akira relaxed further, his muscles going slack a little: "You're a good guy..." He has said this a lot in secret, he wasn't afraid of saying this to Yoichi is just that he didn't really have the opportunity of saying this without it being taken sexually or ironically! "S-shut up, I'm not doing this for you! I-i just don't want you smellin', don't get any ideas..." Akira nodded to himself- Why would Yoichi ever do such a thing for him out of his own goodwill anyway? They're just fuckbuddies after all! There's no reason for Yoichi to treat him nice, Akira is just the guy who is making him a Rougarou and the guy he fucks sometimes to get it out of his system. He also saw how he washed Yuki, he did the same to Mr. Riffles who accepted his destiny and gave up after he got wet, so now he was getting properly washed! 

"You're really close to Yuki, Yoichi." Akira couldn't help but comment. "Mr. Riffles is my familiar, the animal spirit that accompanies me and helps me with spells and things like that, but you and Yuki share an even deeper bond with her than I do with Mr. Riffles... A bond of family." Yoichi's eyes reddened for a second as he nodded, saying with all the confidence he could muster: "Yeah... I guess i trust you enough to tell you this anyway- Yuki is more than a dog to me, she's family." Akira kept listening, not saying anything: "She was the only one i had to keep me company in the streets-" Akira could relate, for a while he also had to be on the streets: "-I found her in a box, abandoned, alone, small and afraid, so i took her in. We grew up together, she was my one and only friend, and soon she became my only family. We worked together to get by, while she distracted the vendors i would steal food for me and her, sometimes even money too- And the few times we got caught, she was always there to help me get away." Yoichi patted Yuki's fur, rubbing the shampoo he had on his hands, it wasn't specifically made for dogs but at least it was enough! At least now she would be nice and clean... "Then one day we met Sheriff Brokeback, he promised a safe place to stay and Yuki was sick, i couldn't help her so i took his word, and now i live here. And you?"

Akira visibly tensed, Yoichi cursed himself and was quick to say: "Y-you don't have to tell me, it's not like i want to learn about you or anything." 

"N-no, it's okay... You told me about your own situation Yoichi, it's only fair i do the same." Akira had to sigh- Memories came to mind as he began speaking: "It was just me, my dad, my mom, and my little sister... We were a very low-key witchy family, never doing any really big magic except the few exceptions such as Ritualistic events for holidays and birthdays, which are awsome, i gotta start doing them again- Anyway, I went to this mundane school, growing up i was always the quiet and well-behaved kid, i was even the teacher's pet too, which made some kids not really fond of me for some reason... One of them was this boy i really liked, we got together for a while and i even shared my biggest secret with him, that i was a witch." Akira by now had tears on his eyes, Yoichi didn't know what to do so he held onto Akira from behind, his boner long gone: "I didn't know that it meant nothing- He mocked me in public, going as far as to throw around my things and say how i was nothing but a fling to him... If only i knew that one of the school staff was a witch hunter." 

Yoichi this time tensed, he didn't really know what it meant to be a witch hunter, or what they did, but he knew enough that it was really bad! "Anyway, he did some research on my family, scouted us out and- Boom, woke up in the middle of the night, unable to use my magic and with the whole house smelling of smoke... I still have a scar from that night." He showed the long but thin line on his arm, if Yoichi didn't focus on it he wouldn't be able to really see it! "A thin nylon line did this to my arm- they not only trapped the place with anti witch things, but with other traps too. I almost lost this arm because of it." To think he'd never meet this boy because of some racist bitches who kill others for who they are... Yoichi gritted his teeth, unaware that they looked sharper than normal: "So, i guess that's it- Ah, Mr. Riffles was the family's cat before he died, so i transformed him into my spirit familiar, i guess he's not as special as Yuki right? Well, not even i am." 

"Shut up." Yoichi pulled Akira back, his eyes heavy with emotion: "You're just as important as Yuki to me." Huh? Akira was confused, why would he? He's nothing! "So, don't you dare leave me." The unexpected happened then and there as Yoichi made Akira's lips part open for his own lips and tongue, giving Akira his first and most wet kiss ever. Akira did not even try to take control of the situation, his mind alongside with his body just accepted Yoichi as the one in charge forever and always, he was the worst person to make decisions after all- His last decision got his family killed, no matter what Mr. Riffles ever tells him he knows his actions ended up causing the death of his family and he is to blame! So he decided that he should always go with the flow, not make decisions, unless he's willing to lose everything he loves- Again. "Y-yoichi?" 

"Don't you fucking make me say it." Yoichi held him, face red from either the steam of the bath or embarrassment, Akira couldn't really tell. "I... like you." Oh. Akira misinterpreted their entire relationship, hasn't he? "You like me...?" Akira didn't mean to sound so disbelieving but Yoichi took that to heart: "I do like you, i like you enough to consider you my family- Not as brother, but as more... I like you enough to consider you mine." Akira blushed heavily, his whole face went red as Yoichi looked at him with just this look of utter affection that couldn't be hidden, he didn't say the L-word Akira expected, but he did say that he liked him enough to keep him, to make Akira his, to consider him family in a not family way- A wife!? "I'm Yuki's mom?" Yoichi seemed taken aback by such declaration done by Akira, but he smirked all the same with that cocky confidence he always had, looking over at Yuki he said: "Only if you want to be- Are you up for the part? Being a dad isn't easy, can't know how hard being a mom would be." Akira wanted a family again- And a family can be a witch, a Rougarou in the making, a dog, and a spiritual familiar. 

"Yeah... I guess Yuki needs a mom."

"Heh-" Yoichi's grin widened: "She needs a female model after all." 

"But I'm a guy-"

"Isn't that right, my beautiful girl?" 

Akira blushed slightly at how that turned him on slightly- He was very kinky (See addendum: Yoichi praising him, Yoichi mocking him, Yoichi insulting him) so Feminization wasn't exactly a surprise to him, he is pretty submissive after all, he was just waiting for Yoichi to put a skirt on him and have him wear panties or something like that. "Y-yeah... Yuki needs a female model." Yoichi's wide grin was enough to make Akira realize: He just awakened something inside Yoichi, didn't he?

[Day 23 - Afternoon]

"This is what we need." Akira held this small green moss-like sphere of herbs he just made, Yoichi tilted his head to the side like a dog! "The next ritual in my list is to increase connection to the earth by consuming some herbs and purifying ourselves with it, meaning-" Pulling out a piece of paper, Akira made a quick blunt! In fact, he made various blunts they'd have to smoke for the day: "I even added some Wolfsbane to the mixture, it'll help your body know for the future that Wolfsbane is not harmful, so the transformation will take that and make you resistant to outright immune to the Wolfsbane, which removes one of your weaknesses when you become a Rougarou... The other ones will be dealt with too." Yoichi took one of the blunts and sniffed it- It smelled like herbs, how high could this get him anyway? "Weaknesses?" Hearing Yoichi's question, Akira lifted three fingers as he explained: "First weakness, the moon- Dealt with because I'll become your moon, which is why it's going to be near Instinctive to call me Luna, or Moon in Spanish, which is a cool title." 

Akira soon lowered another finger: "Wolfsbane, which the blunts will help." He lowered the last finger: "And Moonlight Silver, which is silver that is bathed in moonlight for at least a single year  every day." Yoichi hummed before putting the blunt on his mouth, Akira snapped his fingers and soon a flame stood on his finger, he used it to light the blunts for them and they soon started smoking it! "Y'know-" Akira flickered his finger as he sat down the pier, they were by Buddy Lake after all! "-I didn't say it earlier, but i like you too Yoichi." The blushing on Yoichi's face receded as he took a big whiff and promptly fell into a fit of coughs, making Akira grin and laugh at his wolf's antics. "Go- cough -od." Even though he hid it (not very well, but tried to) Akira could still see his small smile: "So... Am I Akira Yukimura Avaric now? Or are you Yoichi Avaric Yukimura now?" 

"Well, Akira Avaric Yukimura d-does have a better ring to it." Yoichi was so red that it was adorable- they were discussing surnames like a married couple! Yoichi did hold Akira's hand as he took another whiff of the herb blunt on his hand. The afternoon sun glowed in the distance as they sat down, holding hands and smoking together- it was romantic in a way, even more so after Yoichi's not-really declaration of love... It was adorable to Akira, he felt loved by him, and that was enough for now. 

"Hey- Is Yuki Yukimura Avaric or Yuki Avaric Yukimura now? Maybe we should name her something more, Yuki isn't enough for such a good girl like her!" 

Soon, they were both high. 

Yoichi high was very similar to Yoichi drunk- he was very touchy and extra flirty, but more spaced out. In the end Akira ended up with his legs parted up and with a cock inside him as Yoichi fucked his ass nice and rough, making sure that he cummed inside too.

[Day ???]

"Are you and Yoichi, perhaps, more than friends now?"

Akira just nodded, smiling softly at the sleeping wolfboy who had his head on Akira's lap.

"Good... Thank you very much for loving him as much as he deserves." 
