
Return to Earth[#1]

Finally he wss back! Grinning, Eris got up from the ground, he spent years and years on the Hades, a different dimension full of pain and death with a not very suitable power to accompany him, but thankfully it kept him alive! He fought hard to return to his home, Earth, so he could live a peaceful life after thousand years of war and fighting to survive. He feels bad for leaving behind his territory on that dimension though, he hopes that it can survive even without him there- His fingers twitched and he stretched his long and muscular body, fighting every day for your survival makes you stronger!

Physically and Mentally, it shaped Eris to the point of being unrecognizable from his past self- Not that he cared anymore, of course: "Ahh..." Sighing in relied at the pure air filling his lungs, Eris stretched his muscles, his back exploding in blood as two long and beautiful black wings bursted out of his back, his muscles and skin moving to adapt to the change of his body- This was only ome of the applications of his power over nature, a power he had even before going to Hades, a power he was forced to train and strengthen if he wanted to survive in a place of fire, smoke, sulfur, and death like that dark place was. With much effort he made a paradise on that dimension full of life, he kept that place alive, all the demons from that dimension died on his hand if they dared to enter his territory after all! He managed to escape that dimension after more than 20 thousand years of fighting, he managed to kill the demon lord and owner of that dimension, which brought him back to earth, his place, his home! "Let's see how much things changed..." He flew above the canopy of trees that sang for him as he flew above them, nature loved him and he loved nature, he saw so many different species of plants and animals that he thought for a second he wasn't back at earth.

But then he saw a human, well, a half human? Yeah, it had ears of a cat on top of its little head, the guy looked thin snd fragile to him, easily breakable: "Hey, little cutie, are we on earth?" His body landed in front of the little guy- He was probably 5 feet? Maximum of 5'3 or something, compared to his 7'5 feet in height, the little guy was like a child: "EH! Aapoauxkaj!" Eris was confused about whatever the little guy said, it was like hearing a foreign language that he never heard before, confusing and frustrating: "Well, okay then i guess?" His body twisted and turned as he grew more wings and flew away, ignoring the scream of fear from the little guy.

It took Eris hours before he came to a simple conclusion- He was on earth, but he didn't know if it was an earth from the past of future, all he knew was that there were half-human half-animal people who spoke strange words and were almost tribal, with some in bigger societies! He observed them from far away with his greater hearing, trying to learn their language, thankfully the wind would pull whispers whenever he asks it to! The elements are under his control, his knowledge of this world was limited but he learned quickly, apparently there were these blood red crystals around that these half-human half-animals wanted, he took a lot of them for himself and decided to keep it since they were like the demon crystals he used back on Hades to empower his inventions! He grinned excitedly just thinking about making his favorite toys and weapons, it took him a few hours before he fully learned the languages of this new old earth and learned some legends.

The wind carried words from the whole world for him, there were different tribes in this world that believed in different gods, they were all descendents of humanity from the past! He gathered that something happened in the past that separated humanity, some took to the stars while others stood on earth and mutated, becoming this different species- Aniku, Arinu, Anima in their language, all he could compare it to was the ABO shit he read from fiction in the past, Anikus could give birth regardless of gender, Arinus were "normal" beastkins, and Anima were strong beastkins who could transform into animals, the animals they were born as.

"So basically, I'm in a novel." He chuckled- Hey, at least he can have a peaceful life here, not need to worry about fighting for his survival anymore! That was until the natural disasters happened- Tsunamis ranging from thousands of meters, tornadoes that could destroy states easily, volcanoes that could bring down an entire archipelago... He loved it! Nature raged and he played with it, flying on thunderstorms were his favorite thing to do, evem more so because he could grow his body to the maximum size and eat the lightning to absorb the energy.

Life was good for the first year he was back- He was alone, sure, he was a man so his libido was large! He didn't do much because he was fighting every day for his survival back in Hades, which made him ignore everything and train to get stronger, but now that he was back his libido became a small problem seeing as he wanted to fuck someone! But the small little Anikus were too weak, the Arinus were too scared, and the Animas didn't like him at all: "Well... I guess it's just me and you, hand." His hair had grown to a comfortable size, he didn't let it be too big seeing as it would get on his way if he fought someone!

His routine consisted of: Flying, Playing around, Training, Hunting, Fishing (if he felt like it), going to sleep (even if he didn't need to), rise snd repeat. He felt comfortable, he really did, but then something happened- Lights from the sky came down, they were UFOs!? "The fuck?" His body turned into the air as he became one with nature, his invisible and gaseous form danced with the wind as he approached the machine, curiously touching it and feeling the energy inside: 'Huh.' It felt like he was in a bad Sci-Fi movie because the owner of the spaceship was a blond human guy with deep blue eyes, he was accompanied by several men with glowing weapons and dragging a small man in chains: "Here will be the ground you'll live, for the rest of your life." Huh, he could understand the language? It sounded like a mixture of English and French, for some reason... "For your crimes of trying to take over the Empire and trying to kill my beloved, i, Prince Edward, condemn you, Joshua Everlight to spend the rest of your days on this miserable planet and rot away!"

The small man only gave this broken grin to the prince guy, making him irate! "The entire empire watches you now-" He pointed towards a guard holding a ball? Eris wanted it, he wanted that thing! "Do you have any last words?" The small man turned to look at the sphere and sighed out, his voice smooth as silk: "I have not betrayed my family, i did not kill my father, i did not betray my land. But you all believe it, so why should i say something when you already have it in your heart that i am in the wrong? My adopted brother, James, i hope ou are happy now that you've taken everything from me." The entire empire that was watching this live, across many galaxies away shouted in anger as the man dared to insult their shining star, their prince, and their justice system!

[How dare him? He's worse than a savage.]

[Really bad this guy is- Hey, i bet he won't survive even a day in the Death Planet before he is eaten alive by a savage!]

[Pffft- that would be a sight to see huh?]

"I hope you rot on this miserable planet!" The blond prince Edward spat on the ground, makiny Eris angry, he materialized on top of their little spaceship and said, his voice deep and rumbling like a wolf: "Well, i take offense to that." Every single person below him turned to look, they all saw this tall and muscular man with wild hair, forest green eyes, defined like a god shaped his body and handsome like Adonis himself! "This planet isn't so bad, Blondie..." He wasn't completely naked, no, he had this fur cloth around his waist that hid with some difficulty the big thing between his legs: "How can a savage speak the Empiral Language?" One of the guards shouted in shock, and unnaware of the Empire's online reaction to him, Eris just became one with the wind once again, vanishing from where he was only to reappear before the prince guy, looking down at him as he was smaller than he is: "Puny little prince should go back if he doesn't like my planet. I didn't invite you here anyway." He didn't like arrogant people- Demons were really arrogant, and he used to destroy their very core to humiliate them before riping them apart: "What-"

There was a shot from one of the guns, it tore through his head, making him growl in anger: "Is that how you train your people?" The hole that left his brain exposed closed so fast that everyone who watched it couldn't believe it was even there to begin with: "I'm taking that." From below, a sharp root ripped through that specific guard's body, tearing him to pieces before he pulled the gun towards his hands with the power over gravity: "Huh, neat." Looking down at the gun with curiosity in his eyes, Eris decided to experiment with these guns! They were still shocked at how powerful he was so he used it as an opportunity to steal all of their guns, it was easier than be thought it'd be to be fair, he simply pulled them towards him with gravity! "I'm gonna keep this." He walked away slowly before dropping all the guns on the ground, where the ground swallowed those guns!

He turned to the small guy in chains and handcuffs and touched the handcuffs, they simply shattered under his hold and the energy on them were absorbed by his body: "Weird, but interesting..." He pulled the pieces of the handcuffs and analyzed them, siting on the ground without care about the silent people watching him- "Hey, bow to your prince, you insolent-" Before the pompous guard could finish his sentence, his head exploded, splattering his blood everywhere! "Fuck!!" There was a scream of panic from the Prince and soon the guards all reacted, their hands stretched out as fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, and even ice started to attack the sitting Eris who ignored them all- The prince thought it was the Bastard Savage end, but to his surprise and the suprise of the entire Empire who was watching this all unfold- The guy wasn't harmed.

At all.

"Hey, little guy-" Joshua, on the side, pointed at himself with a confused expression on his face: "Yeah, you! Come here for a second." He went to him, confused but also curious, and he'd die if he disobeyed him so why bother? "Yes?" He looked at the guy who was still bigger than him even if he was sitting down and asked: "Do you need something from me?" There was a hand on his face holding a red crystal, his eyes widened as he recognized one if not the most expensive and rare recourse of the entire Milkway Galaxy (Many people wondered why it was named like that)- "How did you get this? Blood of Power is the rarest, most expensive ability crystal in the entire Milkway Galaxy!"

"Hey, you guys kept the name huh?" The savage (He feels bad for calling him that, when he's so much more polite than so many people he met before) smiled, and he found himself intrigued by this man's words: "Anyway, it doesn't matter how i got it, i have it, and I'll give you this if you tell me teach me, how does this little thing work...?" Suddenly, on his hand was the Galaxy Transmitter, one of the many items that can connect one into the galaxy web and access the Ultranet! "Ah... Can i turn off the transmission first? It's kinda... How can i explain it-"

"It's live? Huh, neat- So, how many people are watching this? Thousands? Millions? Billions?" The guy was now holding the sphere close to his eye, he surprised the audience when his eye simply changed into a golden before he blinked and it was back to normal: "Ergh... Trillions." The only reaction he got was the man humming, his back stretching as he placed the sphere on his hand as he said: "Well, let them watch this, it'll be fun to humiliate royalty in front of thousands of people, right?" Wait what?

But he could not say anything- The prince was already being humiliated.
