
Arcane [#8]

Oh fuck.

He was right.

He should've followed his instincts and gone with them- "Shit..." From above the Lanes, hanging upside-down from a tower and looking at the running kids as Enforcers runned after them, this shitty situation turned sour as more Enforcers appeared, making him swear under his breath as he let himself go from his place, free falling towards them, Acid hanged on to his fur as he shouted excitedly, he loved when Poison dropped from great heights onto the ground, because not only was it cool, it was also fucking awsome to feel the wind on his fluffy white fur, the momentary fear he felt whenever the ground fastly approached, and the relief he felt when Poison landed hard on the ground, cracking the floor with his 'Superhero Landing'!

They watched as the kids go surrounded by the Enforcers, panic clear in their faces as they prepared for the worst when- A ladder fell from above them, Ekko smirked as he looked at his friends, they all smiled and jumped up to the ladder, Powder needed a little bit of help from Vi, and as Poison was fastly approaching, his body started to bluk up, making him a larger and buffer werewolf- This was the effect of his [Bloolust] skill, which after training with it for two years he managed to make it so he doesn't lose complete control over his actions by increasing his will and control over his body- now he can distinguish between allies and enemies and stop himself from attacking allies, and that's all he can do, in combat his movements are wild and unpredictable as well as fast and mortal.

They all heard the roar: "¡¡¡ƃ𝐮ıɯ𝐨ɔ𝐮ı" getting closer, the kids raised their heads to stare up at the green and grey werewolf as he landed on the ground, sending spiderweb cracks all over the floor and walls of the narrow street of the Lanes, the impact was devastating and raised a cloud kf smoke from the moment he hit, the kids all took this opportunity to run while Poison fought the Enforcers- He had this fame, everyone in the Undercity and Uppercity knew him as the Terror, which is a fucking dope nickname! "𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞!" His growly voice was heard within the cloud of dust that somehow grew darker on the eyes of the Enforcers- [Nature Magic] made so the dust cloud grew thicker, making it so the Enforcers couldn't see one feet forward, completely lost in the Cloud of Dust. Poison, or in this case, the Terror growled out, making his voice echo thanks to the control over the air he had with his [Nature Magic] (Control he still is training on, he can't go on pulling the air out of people's lungs yet), making so they couldn't find him by the sound of his voice: "𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝" And with that whisper that echoed in every Enforcer's ear, he activated his [Fear Howl] skill and smelled as most of them wet themselves from fear-

The smell of fear, urine, and even feces invaded his nose as they were frozen by fear- He chuckled as he released a large roar, breaking them of their paralysis and letting them run away. He would get experience points from killing them, but so would he get them from completing minor quests, and he doesn't want unnecessary slaughter! Well, at least for now, we'll see it later... He closed his eyes and focused hard on deactivating his [Bloodlust] skill while knowing there was prey to chase, this made it harder for him to control himself, which was an awesome way to train his [Will] stat.

He was still being selfish.

With a sigh, his muscles started to tense and go back to their place, his bones pulled back to their sockets with cracking sounds as his height returned to their 6' feet in size- He was still a growing wolf, okay? He's going to be at least 7 feet, he's sure of it! "𝐇𝐮𝐟𝐟- 𝐇𝐮𝐟𝐟... 𝐅𝐮ck!" His voice slowly returned to the same beastly way, and not the guttural and unnatural way he speaks whenever he uses his [Bloodlust] skill, he cursed when his tail pulled back into his place after it grew out and popped like a large whip- "I hate when that happens." He sighed as Acid huffled against his puffed up fur, he sat on his shoulder in a great display of equilibrium and trust as he meep'ed at Poison. "Oh shit, I forgot about that." With that, he jumped to the wall before his claws seeped through the wall like it was water before it solidified around his fingers, he climbed the way up to the tower at an inhuman and unnatural speed, his furred body only added to the creepiness of the situation.

He just remembered he had bread in the magical oven!

-Scene Cut-

"Ah~" Sighing in relief, his hands pulled the burning hot the slab of bread from the onyx black oven from stone and magic that he made: "Thanks Magma." The oven closed its door before it walked away from him, this was just one of his every day golems, he had others who were every day items that normally just sleeped! He made them recently by accident, he had made these magical items to be magical items, but he had failed at making a golem heart for the big protector of his Sanctuary: The giant tree right in the middle, and the heart shattered and scattered, pieces of it fallling on top of the magical items, becomig their golem hearts, well, shards of it!

It was enough to make them able to move around and have a level of sentience, but it wasn't enough for them to be like Mushroom, or Eel, or Glid, or Mole. But it was still a golem... "Well, kettle!" The tea kettle floated up from magic and moved towards him, serving him his warm tea, because tea leaves was one of the things he created here in his home, bread, tea, the only thing that was left was now... Something sweet. "Well, i guess some honey?" Honey, ah, insects loved him due to his [Nature Magic] now- He doesn't like them that much, but bees are really useful for their honey, and they are stragely very loyal with their limited intelligence and behavior.

They'll literally die for him if he tells them to.

But mostly he just collects their honey to make sweets- What? He has a sweet tooth, that much he admits. A floating broom moved on itself and began cleaning around, this was really useful since this was one of his creations, since he just wanted to try and make a flying broom but instead he made one that could only float... At least now it can clean his home easily thanks to it being a golem created by him- There were many golems accidentally created, like the wooden toys he made with functioning limbs- the little wolf, the little bird, the little sheep, they all had this small enchantment that made them move around like robots from Piltover, but after they became Golems they received a little more freedom if movement and started to move around faster, running, the little bird could even fly.

The little wolf liked to cling to him, as if he was his mother.

This kinda calmed down the voice inside his head when it came to demand puppies or offspring, like, okay? The voice really wanted to reproduce for some odd reason. "So many things to do..."

Here's a list of his projects:

1: Make Big Tree sentient or magically protected (A spell of some kind, he is still working on it)

Work on training [Will] and have full control over [Bloodlust].

2: Work on creation skills, need to make the temple to Janna big and beautiful, since she saved him more than one time, and maybe she can help hom more in the future.

3: Work on Medicine making, get the [Herbalist] class too, maybe [Chemist] later on to make useful stuff.

4: Have influence on Piltover (Infiltrate Piltover?)

5: Make weapons (Just in case...)

6: Find out about Hextech (How does it work and how can i try to recreate it with my magic)

7: Find out about what happened, there was an explosion up top... (What did they steal?)

8: Last Priority: Get a Mate.

"I guess i could do 7 now and 5 later." Deciding on what to do, Poison gave the bread with honey to Acid, who happily devoured the thing whole- this little Poro loved bread with honey, and he also loved his helmet, and his Poison. "I should get you a little parachute, just in case..." he picked up the Poro who held the bread on his hands, wetting himself with the honey and not caring it would grease his fur, he can take a bath later, now he is going to talk to the Gang of Vander's kids.

-Scene Cut-

"So, what did you guys do?" Hanging from the ceiling like a bat, scaring the shit out of the four kids who were just scolded by their father- "Fucking-" Vi's instinct was to punch him, while Mylo jumped back to hide behind Claggor and Powder just froze before she recognized that voice! "Poison!" She liked to play with him and he always brought gifts for her, she also loved Acid and how cute he was! Also hanging from the ceiling was the little Poro, lying on top of Poison's spread open palm as he gave Acid a platform to jump from his hand to Powder's. He fell from the ceiling with a thud just as Acid landed onto Powder's arms, the little girl hugging the Poro (Which was larger than he was a few weeks ago-) "So, what you little guys were doing~?"

"We're older than you." Vi huffed in annoyance when she saw that he easily caught the hand that was about to punch him, he towered above them, being taller than Claggor himself by a few three or four inches. "Well, only in years- I've never caused such a huckus on Piltover before... They never saw me enter or leave." He chuckled as his claws flickered off a little ball to Powder, who caughtbit before looking at it- it was a small baby armadillo made with scrap metal, she could hear some cogs and coils moving inside the little thing as it curled out of its ball and stared at her with doe mechanical eyes, it was then she noticed the small little pebble on its stomach that she saw in Poison's golems. "You can name them, it's for you anyway."

"Why do you keep giving things to her? They keep breaking anyway." Mylo asked while looking at the armadillo that got on its four little legs and looked up at Powder, It was true, some of the things he gave Powder would break because she was curious about how they were made, so she would open them to see only to not be able to put them back together. "Well, because i like her. And she's not an insecure dick who likes to put people down because of their own insecurities... Mylo, you are part of a family, they love you and you don't need to do that, or they'll grow to hate you, y'know?" He lowered himself to Mylo's face, his snout almost touching his face, his eyes glowing brightly green in not only an intimidation technique but also because of the magical energy flowing through his body as he prepared to use his magic. "Regardless... I also got this." He pulled out a soaken bag from his [Inventory], of course disguising it as he sank his hands into the wall- how it worked was simple, he pushed the earth back when it touched his skin, like this he could go through solid earth and swim in it like he was swimming in water!

The bag Powder threw in the river full of stuff.

"It seems like you aren't empty handed, right~?"

-Author Note-

Happy Pride Month my dears, I'll try to spoil you this month with fluffy and smutty shorts or stories, maybe write again for a few stopped ones, or simply just write more.

Regardless, Happy Pride Month, be safe, be happy, kiss some people, and wear your masks.
