
Dutiful Compromise

(Unknown Location) (???'s Point of View)

In an unknown land bathed in the everlasting light of dawn, a forested mountain range stood with its highest peak piercing the surrounding golden clouds. On the highest peak stood a wooden Shinto shrine with exquisite decorations and a traditional blue roof. In front of the entrance was a Tori Gate, which marked the end of a massive stair case that led all the way down the mountain.

The shrine was a large complex that could support the worship of an entire sect if necessary; at the moment though, it only held two occupants.

In the center of the complex stood a light-skinned 16-year-old girl with scarlet-red hair and eyes. Her hair framed her face with bangs hanging just above eye level; the back of her hair was braided in a single long tail that went to the middle of her back. She wore a form-fitting long-sleeved black shirt under a dark brown short-sleeved tunic; the tunic was tied down by a bronze ornate buckled black belt tied around her waist. On the back of the tunic was a black triple magatama pattern expressing her status as a priestess. A six onyx-black magatama bead necklace hung loosely on her neck. Lastly, she wore a pair of black shinobi pants and sandals.

In her right hand was a retracted thin onyx-black whip-sword that pulsed with flames. In her left, was a large bronze mirror shield with intricate black trimmings. At the moment, she was running through a set of katas, refining her techniques.

"You know… Whenever I look at you, I'm reminded of how foolish those humans were." Hearing a familiar voice behind her, the girl paused her movements and turned around.

There, a loose back-length black-haired woman with cream white skin and golden eyes walked out of the shadows. Her attire consisted of a white and red miko outfit.

Without hesitation, the girl performed a light bow, her face failing to hide the irritation at the motion.

"Lady Amaterasu. I wasn't aware that you were coming." The girl elegantly stated.

Amaterasu's right eye twitched at the poor excuse of a shaman in front of her.

Sighing, she replied with a casual smile, "Oh stop that Himiko. You know this little act of yours isn't necessary anymore. What kind of daughter greets her mother with such stiffness?"

"Quite a few actually. It's pretty common among upper-level families and clans. That said, it's a little hard to drop a practice you've trained all your life to perform, especially when I'm still your priestess." Himiko replied with mirth in her voice, her elegant bow turning into a casual slouch. "There's also the fact that I learned about our relationship just recently."

Amaterasu rolled her eyes.

"Oh please. You're not a human anymore; at least not fully. You're part of a whole different world now. Plus, the only reason you're labeled as my priestess is my need for someone to act on my behalf. It's not like I treat you like one." The kami stated with a large smile on her face. She was glad to spend some time with her daughter. In a way, she was glad the humans cast her out, not that she would restore her blessing on their lands; no one does that to her daughter and gets her blessing. No one.

"I know. I know." Himiko casually stated, waving her hand dismissively. "It'll take time is all. It's going to take some getting used to, having no people to call my own." Her casual demeanor sunk into self-mockery.

"That's actually what I came here for!" Amaterasu confidently exclaimed; her arms crossed with pride.

Confused, Himiko asked, "What do you mean?"

"There's an exciting girl in a similar position to yourself. She's the successor to a divine beast and is in the process of transformation." Amaterasu explained.

"That's nice, but what does that have to do with me." Asked the still confused Himiko.

"I'd like to pair you two up as traveling companions. Specifically, I'd like you to act as her retainer over the coming years." Amaterasu explained, her excited expression fading into a calm one.

This time, Himiko's eye twitched. She really wanted to refuse on principle. Why would she of all people become someone else's retainer, especially someone on the same level as herself. She'd at least understand if her mother wanted her to act that way for another Kami. That said, she decided to trust the woman she'd been raised to serve.

"Explain. Please." Himiko barely got out, her expression failing to hide her irritation at the concept.

"As you know, I can only physically descend on the material plane in astral form, so when I send you back, you'll be on your own." Himiko nodded at this. Her mother told her this a week ago, after she woke up from her coma.

"Well, without an affiliation, you will struggle to make an impact on this world. It would simply take too long to form a group of comparable individuals, build an information network big enough to be useful, and gather enough situational intelligence to understand the context of the continent you're trying to change. It doesn't help that you were trained as a shaman who, while competent in combat, isn't knowledgeable in survival against the wilds and shinobi-styled threats. Joining the strongest hidden village as a retainer to the village's daughter will solve all of this without requiring five plus years of wasted time." Amaterasu clinically explained, trying to be as tactful as possible.

Himiko's face tightened, her teeth clenched, and her hands balled into fists. Frustration was an understatement for what she was feeling right now. She really wanted to be mad at her mother for basically saying that she doesn't know how to function in the outside world, but she can't; she knew her mother was right. She was raised as a shaman intended to stay inside the most protected compounds of her country. While she may have been the best fighter of the bunch, that only applied to honorable combat. She had heard many tales on how shinobi battle, how her enemies would battle. She really didn't trust herself to do it on her own.

Seeing the realization set in, Amaterasu continued, "The girl you'll be a retainer for compliments your personality quite well. She's a well-meaning girl with a penchant for logical thinking, just what you need with your hot-headed tendencies. In short, she'll keep you out of trouble and can direct your rash actions in a positive direction, just like Tsukuyomi has done for me."

She made sure to ignore the fire in her daughter's eyes at the comment. She continued, "She's a scion of the most powerful clan in the village and was adopted by the village leader. Minato Namikaze is known as the most dangerous human in the elemental nations. He's said to wield the power of the gods; it's a true statement. The authority of the gods is primarily represented through our mastery over space, the power he accessed and developed to a frightening level for a human. As a consequence of his power, he's been allowed to retain his kind personality; he didn't have to become a demon like the other shinobi leaders on the continent, like his predecessor had to. This will give you a measure of safety. With those two as your guardians, you won't have to worry about any funny business.

"Lastly, and I'll have to be vague, she's highly likely to be one of the two central stars of change that we Kami have been able to predict. We don't know who the other is just yet, but whoever they are will shatter the status quo on the continent. The girl you'll be the retainer for is the other, the one who will be central to building it anew. Trust me, you're going to want to stick with her if you want to make the greatest difference." Amaterasu finished; her expression was the most serious it's been since the conversation's beginning.

She wasn't kidding with this prediction. This world will change very soon and she needed a piece on the board with influence in the dragon girl's inner circle. This would be a great investment on her part.

Himiko was silent for a moment. At first, she was heavily reluctant to accept her mother's mission. As the conversation went on however, she realized pretty quickly that it was clearly the best option. It also made sense from a priest's perspective. By being in the girl's inner circle, she could act as the Kami's representative and influence her in the right direction.

With a profound sigh, Himiko eventually replied, "Fine. I'll do it."

Amaterasu's expression jumped back into her bright smile.

"Excellent! If you don't mind me asking, what convinced you?" she asked.

"Everything. Despite my reluctance, it all makes sense. Even if I was willing to wait a few years, it doesn't sound like I'll have the time." Himiko explained, resignation clear in her voice.

"Don't take it too hard. I have a feeling you'll enjoy your time there, in more ways than one." Amaterasu's spoke with a playful tone.

"What do you mean!? This isn't some political marriage, is it? I just escaped one of those." Himiko asked indignantly.

The Kami erupted into an uproarious laughter.

"Of course not! *Chuckle* I'm just pointing out that you'll most likely have a lot of fun. Call it mother's intuition."

Himiko stared at her mother in disbelief, deciding to forget that last part.

She had always imagined what having a mother would be like, but this was something else. While a bit irritating, there was a warmth she'd never quite felt before. All who'd interacted with her before, did so with a level of reverence. She had been destined for the chief shaman role since birth. This past week was quite literally the first time she'd experienced true motherly love.

Shaking her head, Himiko decided to get to the point.

"When do I leave and where do I go? I'm assuming I'm not going to just walk into the most powerful hidden village without a permit or recommendation. I'd rather not, especially with my high level of chakra; it'd be a red flag in any village."

Calming herself down, Amaterasu explained with a remnant smile, "I'll teleport you to a settlement on Shinobu island, south of Water Country. It's an island of poison so you'll have to be careful not to use too much fire. You'll be at a disadvantage with the handicap, but it shouldn't be too hard with your physical prowess. All that said, just wait for the girl to arrive with her team before you engage. You should recognize her instantly; she'll be the one with the silvery-white hair."

Himiko nodded.

"Great. I'll give you a day to get ready before I send you there. Make sure to enjoy the rest of your time here. I have a few business matters to handle on my end in the mean time." Amaterasu stated.

"Right" Himiko agreed, before turning to walk deeper into the shine. She needed to start sealing her things. Though she didn't have much, her mother did prepare a wardrobe for her in this last week.

Before she could get far though, Amaterasu called out.

"Wait!" She shouted. "I have one more question."

Turning around to meet her mother's gaze, Himiko confusedly responded, "What do you need?"

"Once everything is settled, would you like to eventually return to your homeland? I can make that happen if you like." Amaterasu asked with a knowing smile, internally knowing what the answer would be.

Himiko shook her head in refusal.

"They've made their choice. There's no place for me there anymore. Even if I were to return, things would never be how they were. I don't hold it against them, but that doesn't mean I want to live there again." She paused. "Well, unless you want me to that is." She mumbled, internally hoping that this inquiry was just her mother's curiosity.

Amaterasu shook her head with the same knowing smile.

"I actually agree with your answer. It wouldn't make sense for you to want to return. I just wanted to know your mind." She explained.

Himiko nodded, turned around, and continued toward her original destination.

Amaterasu stared at her daughter, her smile slowly turning to a solemn frown.

"Those fools. If only they'd been satisfied with what they had; they'd have known untold prosperity. Now, they'll know nothing but strife." She muttered to herself.

Shaking her head, she dismissed that thought. Those thoughts always seemed to put her in a dangerous state of mind. If she were her brother, that land would be a crater, regardless of what heavenly laws she'd have broken.

Deciding, it was time to leave, she focused on her destination.

A bright golden flash later, she was gone.

The whole situation leading up to this point will be explored later in the story.

Falsiccreators' thoughts