
Repair of Bodyguards and Bone Mask

After having Shiro eat the unseasoned meat of the haired buffalo, Danzel went ahead to see how he should go and repair Koji and Niyuki.

First, he had to decide what pieces of armor would suit them. Which was one of the few problems.

Compared to weapons which are slim in nature, armor pieces take much more space in Danzel storage rings. Sure, he had two, but even then, he didn't have a large collection of armor in his possession compared to the weapon.

That was the main reason why he had to butcher the haired buffalo in the first place and separate the suppose eatable meat and his leather.

He essentially had saved around 5 armor sets in the storage ring that Velkir gave him as a gift with the books. He mainly had them to carve runes and in times of need wear them.

The former option didn't need lots of armor as he had the [Death Rune Removal], which worked for most of his work without damaging the armor, while the latter rarely happend...
