
Eat, or die.

Kaligo and the one sitting inside him,

However, we were able to leave the hospital without any problems.

It was warm outside, and the wind gently played with the leaves of the trees and gently blew people.

Kaligo had almost reached the nearest cafe when he remembered that he had no money.

- Ekyutem, we have a problem.Caligo whispered.

- What is it?Ekutem's voice was still in Kaligo's head.

-We have absolutely no money for food.

-I saw a couple of pigeons in the distance.

-What are you implying?- Kaligo was almost uneasy.

- A great way to replenish protein reserves, yes, it may sound cruel to you, but you will soon get used to it.

- Is there really no other choice?

"Maybe rats, but we need to find them first, and we've already found the flying ones.

Kaligo, without much desire, walked forward to a bunch of pigeons that were pecking at garbage.

- Caligo

- Eh?

- Open your jacket a little, I'll do it quickly don't worry, you won't see.

"The hell with you, okay.- Kaligo closed his eyes and opened his jacket, at the same moment he felt a movement in his chest, and as promised, he did it quickly...
