
Chapter 102: Prey, Part 4

Klemper stirs, about to answer, but before he does, Richard coughs, raising a finger. "If I may..."

Holding Beth by the shoulders, he presses her back into her seat, squeezes her fingers, then stands. "Will... Commissioner Stanton if you prefer... I understand you may feel you have cause for anger with me, but I would like you to listen to what everyone here has to say before you jump to any conclusions. We have no reason to believe that Klempner is being anything but truthful."

Stanton's face clouds. Extending an arm towards Klempner, "He's a known murderer, trafficker and God-knows-what else. When he first appeared on the scene, I stood back, taking no action on your say-so. After what has happened this evening, you are still standing by this man? You are so certain that he had no hand in the stabbing?"

Richard straightens up, eye-balling his erstwhile friend. "Yes, I'm sure."
