
Chapter 67: Business

"Grandfather" William called crossing one leg over the other, he put both hands on his knee and looked directly at the head of the family "I have a plan, we won't have to lower our heads to any family and there is a chance that the ministry will have to back down to us."

Lord Rosier heard what his grandson said, it was like the ideas of any child with big dreams, if any other of his grandchildren had said something like that he would have laughed without a second thought, but for a strange and incomprehensible reason this was not the case, his grandson's eyes were different from those of his siblings at the same age.

<What is this?> wondered the old man looking at William, he could feel the cold sweat on his back <What happened with William while he was in Castelobruxo? the boy's presence definitely had a change, as if he had gained the confidence he was missing>.

"What's on your mind child?"

William didn't answer immediately, he searched through his clothes for a small vial and placed it on the desk casually.

"While I was in Brazil there were many things to learn, unfortunately my brain wasn't able to retain all the information, I learned a huge variety of things that probably at Hogwarts I will never be able to learn and to do everything I needed to actually had to practice an advanced potion. A teacher from Castelobruxo supported me in the process and I ended up creating this potion."

Lord Rosier took the small vial the size of his little finger in his hands, the liquid inside was golden in color but a bit more opaque than expected, there was no way the old man wouldn't know what potion it was but it was still so strange.

"Is it a memory potion?" he asked looking again at his grandson to confirm his suspicion and he nodded his head slightly "why is it different?"

"It is a variation, it must be used in smaller proportions, but it is even stronger than the normal ones, I can say with certainty that the effect is at least three times as effective compared to its counterpart in the trade right now."

Lord Rosier stroked his chin slowly as he looked at the potion in his hand "It is not verified by the ministry of magic, but I can make some calls and you will have certification in a few days, but you still won't tell me what your plans are."

It was at that moment, when Lord Rosier said those words that things in the room changed once again, he looked at his grandson, he had a vicious smile full of greed and arrogance, this was the second time that the youngest of the new generation made a similar impression on his mind.

William put other potions on the desk, Peace Filter, Flame Protecting Potion, Wiggenweld Potion, Boil Cure, Oblivion Potion, Numbing Potion, Herbicidal Potion, Explosive Fluid.

"I will lead the potions market" he pointed upward with his hand "and take it to the next level."

Lord Rosier could not bear the moment and lowered his head, any other head of any family in the magical world would likely have sent William away with all his childish ideas, but he could not do that at this moment.

The boy in front of him was evidence of what it meant to be a true genius, Lord Rosier looked at the calendar, it was years ago during the same days when William who was known to all as a squib from nothing transformed into a wizard and not an average wizard like others in the magical world but a genius among all students, Dumbledore had written to him to inform him of the accident of the mountain troll during the Halloween celebrations and how William killed him with basic magic, he had also received a prize that allowed him to go to Castelobruxo and there as if it were a game he captured one of the most wanted black wizards in the magical world.

How would it be possible to treat William as children of his age? It was impossible, besides, each of the potions he put on the desk defy each and every one of the knowledge of the magical world, there would be a revolution only with the revelation of the potions, just imagine the problems that would happen if people found out that a boy of twelve was the one who designed them.

"well..." only one word came out of Lord Rosier's mouth.

William looked at the old man satisfied "we will open the store during my third year, for now we need to finish the actual arrangements. I want to create some potions this year and we need to get all the permissions and patents for the special potions, plus I need to look for the right advertising"

"Are you planning on running an ad in the prophet?" was the option any business in the magical world would use but William wasn't just anyone.

"No, I have something more outrageous in mind, but first I need to go to Hogwarts."

"I have no idea what you have in mind anymore" lord Rosier shook his head helplessly at the situation "anyway you must change your clothes, we must go buy some of your things for next year, I have the list of your supplies"

"Shall we go together?" asked William

"I have some business to attend to in Diagon Alley, we can go together while you take care of your shopping. Now go and change your clothes, I don't want you to be seen in your Castelobruxo uniform."

"Sure of course" William walked out of the office leaving the old man alone inside who collapsed in the chair, he held the potion in his hand again and looked at it carefully.
