
No Resurrections this time

Lord Voldemort attacks Hogsmeade Station! Defeated and taken by the mysterious Atharva Joshi!

London: Last night was the first night of the Hogwarts Academic year, and hundreds of students had taken the train from London's King's Cross Station to Hogsmeade Station to either start, or continue their schooling.

As it has been going on for every 1st September since 1950, the Hogwarts students were met at the Hogsmeade Station by the CMC Professor Rubeus Hagrid, who also serves as the Groundskeeper of Hogwarts. This time, however, as the Second Year students and above were beginning to go their way towards the carriages, an astonishing 30 Death Eaters began their attack on the Station.

Thankfully, the Ministry had already foreseen this attack coming, and security was in place. The security was in the form of our very own Hero, Sir Captain Mason Aves, or as he is also known, Captain Avalon.

Professor Hagrid protected the students and sent them through the First Year Entrance, while Mason Aves held the Death Eaters back.

Within minutes, dear readers, Captain Avalon had all the attackers dead at his hands, or in his custody. The sounds of the battle had gotten the attention of the Hogwarts Professors, and our dear Headmaster Dumbledore came out of the Castle, along with the Transfiguration Professor Minerva McGonaggal, and Professor Horrace Slughorn.

While Professor Slughorn took the students inside, Professors Dumbledore and McGonaggal went outside to check on the defenders, and help them if necessary.

And that, my friends, is when the Dark Lord Voldemort showed up. Dark Lord Voldemort is the one who is the Power behind the terrorists that are the Death Eaters. Reports say that he had brought 50 more Death Eaters with him, and that he could fly without the aid of a broom.

After a short battle which saw Mason Aves defeating the Death Eaters, and battling the Dark Lord, all while using an actual Magical Staff, the Dark Lord invoked some sort of ancient Dark Curse.

Mason Aves tried to defend himself from the Curse using an unknown Shield charm, but it proved unnecessary when something else defended him from an attack that would have "no doubt killed him", a quote from Captain Aves himself.

This is when the Vigilante Atharva Joshi showed up. Atharva Joshi, who claims to be a being as old as 2000 years, not only saved Mason Aves from dying, but he also defeated Lord Voldemort within seconds, and then left as soon as he came, before the other defenders could even do anything.

Some more of Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters were busy attacking the village of Hogsmeade, and a total of four people lost their lives, before the Aurors led by Captain Darla White managed to detain all of the attackers.

But not only that folks. As the attack on the Hogsmeade Station was going on, there were two more attacks carried out by the Death Eaters. One on our very own Ministry of Magic, by a tribe of Vampires that Lord Voldemort had managed to entice to his side, while the other on Diagon Alley.

The attack on Diagon Alley was foiled by the Auror Team stationed there, as well as two helpers in the form of Selene Aves, the wife of Captain Mason Aves, and Anastasia Greengrass, the Fiancee to Auror Captain Darla White.

The attack on the Ministry, however, went on for 10 minutes, which saw the deaths of nine brave aurors and two Unspeakables before the Vampires were mostly killed or detained. Three Vampires did manage to flee, and Aurors are currently searching for them.

While the loss of life was not high, the Minister for Magic expressed his regret for the few that were lost. The detained Death Eaters are currently awaiting their trials, which the Wizengamot will be overseeing, considering the sensitivity of this tragedy, while the Dead Death Eaters are being examined by the Unspeakables for signs of Imperius Curse. The same is being done for the detained Death Eaters.

If the Death Eaters are actually proved the be under the Imperius Curse, or if it is proved without a doubt that they were threatened into complying, then the Death Eater in question will be cleared of all charges, and named a victim of the Dark Lord Voldemort's short reign of terror.

If the claims prove false, and if the Death Eaters are proved to have been working under Lord Voldemort of their own, then punishments will be levied, depending on the severity of their charges.

As the next morning has dawned, however, there are many questions in the minds of the people. 

Is this Atharva Joshi the same one as the one who defeated a God? Is he actually on our side, or was that just a trick by Lord Voldemort to allow him to escape from fighting a losing battle against both Mason Aves and Albus Dumbledore? Is this short war over, or will Lord Voldemort return?

Stay tuned to find out.

Tom Riddle, or as he prefers to be known as, Lord Voldemort, wakes up with a start, not knowing where he is, how he got here, or why he was even unconscious when he doesn't need to sleep.

That was the first thing he had taken care of as soon as he had learned about Rituals. A single, simple Ritual, to gain the ability to stay awake at all times without any drawbacks.

And yet, he was still unconscious.

Lord Voldemort panics a bit, as he opens his eyes and sees an unfamiliar ceiling. He just panics, Lord Voldemort is not someone who gets scared, and tries to get up, tries to move.


Unfortunately for him, Voldemort finds himself unable to do anything to his body, save for moving his eyes to look around.

He couldn't hear anything, and not because of any spell, there was just nothing making a noise here that even his sensitive ears might pick up.

Enhanced senses, another Ritual that he had done using a sacrifice of some werewolf he didn't even try finding the identity of. Unfortunately, that Ritual had given him ugly, yellow teeth that he couldn't fix, no matter what he tried.

"You know, Tom." He suddenly hears, making him freeze. He tries summoning his Magic, but just like his body, he finds himself failing to do a single thing. "You have no idea how badly you messed up. No idea at all."

He tries to ask, 'Who are you?' but his mouth doesn't work. However, his mind supplies him the answer anyway, recognising the voice from somewhere.

Atharva Joshi, the man who saved the annoyance Mason Aves from his Spell, and the one who.. captured him. So that's where he is. Imprisoned by Atharva Joshi, a man who fought Gods, if the tales are true.

"Glad to see your mind is still intact and that you remember me, Tom." The man says again, making Tom widen his eyes.

'How did he do that? How did he go through Lord Voldemort's mind without me even knowing?' Lord Voldemort thinks to himself, trying even harder to get sensations back to his body, and trying to get a grip on his magic.

"I am going to pretend you didn't just wonder how a 2000 year old Wizard who fought Gods went through your Occlumency like it was paper." He hears the man say. Voldemort hears the shuffling of a chair, and finally, he sees the man standing over him.

Atharva just stares at Voldemort, and says, "While you fruitlessly try to escape, or even get sensations back to your body, I am going to tell you a tale, a tale that will explain to you why you're dying today."

Lord Voldemort wants to deny that he will die today, that he will even be harmed, but before he can even bring that thought forward, Atharva waves his hand and something floats above his head, so he can look right at it.

The Ring that he took from Morfin Gaunt, his uncle, and the Chalice belonging to Helga Hufflepuff that he stole from a woman named Hepzibah Smith. The two Horcruxes that he had made after returning to life.

Voldemort just stares at the two items, unable to even think anything, as he becomes more and more horrified.

"Did you really think they will remain hidden from me? I was there when Horcruxes were first created, you dumb child. I was there when Herpo the Foul was defeated. Does it now reach your tiny insignificant mind just how beyond your scope I am?" Atharva asks, as calmly as ever.

As the two items keep spinning over Voldemort's face, Atharva says, "Now, on to the tale. The tale begins around 2000 years ago. I was young then, just 25 years old, and I was working in the Great Library of Alexandria as a Scribe. There, I met a woman. You've heard about the Royal Mages of Egypt, I know, this woman was the Leader of that group, while I was there. Tatiana, the High Mage.

"Tatiana was a wild one, she had a thirst for knowledge, and was one of the strongest Witches around at the time, while being two years younger than I. Naturally, I fell in love with her, and slowly, she fell for me."

Voldemort, who had now gotten out of the shock of his Horcruxes being found out, listens to the tale, wondering what the point of it is. What should he, the great Lord Voldemort, care about the love life of a 2000 year old man?

Atharva hums, and if Voldemort was anyone else, he would have detected a hint of fondness to that sound. He then says, "Tatiana was the one to kill Herpo the Foul, when he terrorized Egypt barely a month into our meeting one another. You might be thinking, 'I didn't know that! Why isn't this in the History books?' It is because I didn't want it to be in the history books."

"After defeating Herpo, however, Tatiana got.. tired. She faked her death, and left Egypt. We met again, of course, and this time we had the opportunity to actually explore our feelings for one another. Due to reasons that I won't get into with someone like you, Tatiana and I separated once again, this time, for good. She left me, but I understood that she had her own- justified- reasons to do so.

"Tatiana went on to live her own life. She travelled the world, met new people, fought some enemies, and soon after one fight, she did something.. interesting. She had just killed some people, muggles that wanted to sacrifice a young Witch to their God, for riches, and long life. You know how it is."

Voldemort did know. He had seen a few rituals to increase his lifespan before he discovered Horcruxes, but he did not agree with being subservient to anyone, even a God.

"Tatiana, after killing all those people, adopted the little girl as her own. She taught her Magic, taught her to defend herself, and gave the girl a childhood she wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Unfortunately, as it is wont to do, Tatiana's daughter grew up, she left to live her own life.

"The daughter fell in love, started a family of her own, and became a mother herself. Tatiana loved her grandchildren, loved her family, and so.. when Tatiana's daughter grew old, and started dying.. Tatiana gave up. She could have lived still, survived till 500 years of age even, but she lost the will to live anymore and died naturally at the relatively young age of 170 years."

There's a short pause, and even Voldemort, who had stopped struggling for now, wonders what happened next. 

Softly, almost as if he was thinking out loud to himself, Atharva says, "I was in love with someone else by then, a wonderful woman whom I love dearly still, but even then I couldn't forgive myself for not holding on to Tatiana a bit tighter. Not letting her go, or joining her in her travels. Maybe then she could have retained some strength to live. Maybe then she could have lived a long, long life with me. Maybe then I wouldn't have felt guilty about still being in love with her."

Voldemort is grossed out, the talk about Love going over his head. What does a 2000 year old man need with love? He could have ruled the world by now, if he (Voldemort) was in his place!

Atharva snorts, and whispers, "Figures you'd think like that." Shaking his head, he continues, "Anyway. While Tatiana and her daughter died, her family lived still. And even I was alive. It wasn't possible to keep track of all of them, even for someone like me. It wasn't possible to make sure all of them lived long, happy lives. And, I also wanted to give them the freedom to make their own choices and live by them. But I did try to make sure they never died out completely. I made sure that the line of Tatiana's adopted daughter survived."

Atharva then smiles down at him, and even someone as emotionally dumb as Voldemort could tell that the smile wasn't a nice one. Atharva then whispers, "Until.. you came here."

And suddenly Voldemort realizes why Atharva Joshi interfered now when he didn't interfere in the world before. Because Voldemort killed a descendant of Tatiana, this Atharva Joshi's former lover.

Atharva smiles wider, enjoying the panicking that he could no doubt see on Voldemort's face, and says, "Yes, you almost, almost, killed off the line of Tatiana's daughter. Oh her line wouldn't have become extinct, there are hundreds of people alive in Britain itself that share the same blood as Tatiana's daughter, but there was one family that was important to me. And you, your.. Death Eaters made it so now only one tiny baby, that hasn't even been born yet, remains of that line."

He then leans back, giving Voldemort some space to breathe, and says, "Funnily enough, even you're her descendant Tom. The Gaunts, the disgraced line that I discarded 300 years ago when they began massacring their own blood just to ensure they're the only Slytherins left alive. I cursed them with misfortune for that, and focused most of my attention on the only other line of Tatiana's daughter remaining. The Potters."

And that.. explained to Voldemort why Atharva Joshi began with Abraxas Malfoy. He was the one to kill the last Potter. Well, second to last, if a baby was going to be born some day. It seems a bit late, but Voldemort wasn't an expert in Magical birthing, he doesn't know.

"Oh, yes. Fleamont Potter, the last descendant of my beloved Tatiana's daughter. The daughter for whom Tatiana gave up her longevity, and her life. And your actions cost him his life, and almost lost me the last connection I had remaining with Tatiana."

"I had foreseen something like this coming, I had foreseen you, the last Gaunt, turning into a Dark Lord and killing the last Potter. Although in my Vision, that last Potter was Fleamont's still unborn son. And so.. I killed you. I thought that was over, that you would remain dead and Tatiana's line wouldn't be in danger of dying out."

Chuckling, he adds, "But you didn't know how to stay dead, did you? You had to come back. Despite me destroying all of your Horcruxes, you came back. And while your reign of terror didn't last half as long as it would have, had my vision come true, you still claimed hundreds of lives."

"You should have run away, Tom. When you found yourself back to life, you should have taken it as a chance to start anew and run very far away. Maybe then you would have survived. But no, you had to come back here to become Lord Voldemort. You came here, and you killed Fleamont Henry Potter. Above all else, you claimed his life. Abraxas may have been the one responsible, but I know as well as you do that you would have killed the Potters someday anyway. You would have always gone after Fleamont and his family, my Tatiana's family."

And once again, Atharva is right in Voldemort's face, who remains still, unable to move or do anything. Atharva glares at him, and whispers, "And for that, Tom Marvolo Riddle, I claim your life. I would have imprisoned you for eternity, trapped you in your own mind, unable to do anything. But you.. you don't deserve to live, not while Fleamont is dead. And this time.. there will be no resurrection for you, Tom. Say goodbye to life."

Voldemort widens his eyes, as he sees his Horcruxes catch on blue fire, the same fire that had killed the Dementors and destroyed his Inferi. The next thing he sees is a blue fire mixed with some red, feels an infinite amount of pain, and then.. nothing.

Tom Marvolo Riddle was no more. Lord Voldemort was no more. His Soul was destroyed, transmuted to pure energy and dispersed into the Universe, given as tribute to the Universe's Personification of Life, The Phoenix Force.

His body, meanwhile, was burnt beyond recognition, leaving only ash behind, save for the single body part remaining. Lord Voldemort's head, frozen in a serene expression, unable to have even expressed his pain as his body was burnt.

And just like that, the reign of Lord Voldemort was over.

As I walk back up the stairs, the head of Lord Voldemort sitting on the table I had conjured for him, I can't help but feel some satisfaction.

Tatiana.. I wasn't in love with her, not while I had Selene, but she was someone precious to me. She was one I loved with all my heart, enough that I agreed to let her go when she wanted to leave. And Tom almost killed off her family.

Not blood related, since she has no blood related descendants, but her adopted daughter Cassandra was as dear to her as any blood related one would have been.

Heh, I do find it a bit funny that I am one of Cassandra's descendants, just like Tom and Fleamont were.

"Is he dead?" Selene asks me, when I reach up to the Potter Family sitting room, now back in the face of Mason Aves.

Of course, I had done this in Mia's house. Voldemort's death, and his sacrifice to Phoenix was used to power up a Ward that would ensure the line didn't die out for the next 1000 years, as long as someone lived here.

I nod, and sit down, silent. For a while, she doesn't say anything and neither do I.

"Do you hate me?" I suddenly ask, looking at Selene.

She looks away from the book she was pretending to read, and after staring at me for a while, she asks, "Why would I hate you, Athreos?"

I look at her, feeling uncharacteristically down, and ask, "For hiding this from you? The fact that I still felt something for Tatiana even after she died? The fact that I was looking out for her descendants behind your back? The fact that I mourn her to this day?"

And that is all true. I may not have told Selene about this, or showed it on my face, but Tatiana's death is not something I have still recovered from. I still miss her, I still miss knowing that she's out there somewhere, alive. I love Selene, more than almost anything else, but Tatiana was the first woman I actually fell in love with. Her loss.. it actually physically hurts me, to this day.

Selene lifts up her hand, and for a moment I'm afraid that she will slap me. She then wipes my eyes, making me realize that I had unknowingly teared up, and whispers, "You think I didn't know all that, but I always knew about that. I knew you loved her, and I do know it even now. But do you know something else? I know you won't leave me even if Tatiana somehow returns to life."

"Of course I won't." I whisper, looking at her, falling in love with her even more. 

She nods, and says, "I know. I find it endearing, that even two thousand years after her death, you mourn her. That you care enough that you tried to ensure the survival of her daughter's line. Do I hate the fact that you yourself didn't mention it before? Yes, but I respected your need for keeping it close to your chest the same way you respect the fact that I don't tell you everything about my old life."

Leaning forward, she rests her forehead on mine, and says, "I love you, Athreos. I always have, and I know your feelings for me are true. So no, I don't hate you for this."

I sigh, and resting my eyes, I ask, "What good fortune I have, that you love me. I am sorry, Selene. For hiding this from you, or trying to, as it seems you already knew this."

Selene chuckles, and after kissing me softly, she says, "Your mind is good enough to keep me out now, but it wasn't so 1000 years ago, let alone 1900 years ago when we met. And sometimes, you thought so hard about trying to keep this part of yourself a secret that you unintentionally made it known to me."

I chuckle, a bit relieved, and pull Selene closer, hugging her to the side. "I love you, Selene. I am in love with you, and I am glad that you're in my life."

As Selene returns to her reading, I kick my legs up, glad that this was over. Lord Voldemort was dead, and the only part of my life that had remained hidden from Selene was out in the open now. 

Suddenly, I straighten up, remembering something. "I did find a few things in Voldemort's mind, you know."

Selene looks up from her novel, and asks, "Oh? What's that?"

"I found out how he came back to life. It seems my old enemy Nathaniel Essex has somehow regained his memories of me." I say, looking to her for her reaction.

Nathaniel Essex, the slave to our brother En Sabah Nur, Apocalypse. 

Frowning, she says, "That's worrying. He shouldn't have been able to do that, even before you got yourself thrown back in time your Mind Arts training was good enough to make someone like him forget anything you wanted."

I nod, and say, "Yup, I completely agree. He couldn't have done it. Not alone anyway."

Selene frowns once again, and for a second I leave her to her thoughts. Finally, half a minute later she widens her eyes, surprised, and whispers, "Truly?"

I nod, a smile on my face, and say, "Oh, yes. I have found Candra. It seems our dear missing sister has found herself indentured under Nathaniel Essex."

A/N: Lord Voldemort is dead, his soul sacrificed to Phoenix. 

1.Mason isn't technically Tatiana's descendant, even if he also technically is, so don't scream at me for making it incestuous. Tatiana adopted a girl, which I did speak about in some chapter before, whose descendants include the Gaunts, and the Potters.

2.When Mason said that he discarded the Gaunts and cursed them with misfortune for killing off their own relatives, I did speak about this before, in the story. In Ch 21 titled NEWTS, Mason explains to Tina and Newt that somehow, all descendants of Salazar Slytherin save for the Gaunts had mysteriously died out in the same century. 

3.Mason misses Tatiana, but he loves Selene. Tatiana was his first love but he has loved Selene for 2000 years. If Tatiana came back and asked for Mason's love(which she wouldn't do, but just consider in this case she does) Mason wouldn't just discard Selene in favour of her. 

Selene isn't letting Mason pine after an old love, she's letting Mason have closure at his own time. She knows Mason loves her the most at this time, so she isn't threatened by a dead lover. Also, I don't think when widowers(which Mason kinda qualifies for here) marry, they just forget about their dead wives and move on completely. Some feelings remain, and the new wives just accept it as a part of his character or something.

4. The Ring that Tom turned into a Horcrux is the fake transmuted one that Mason created in Ch 27: Errands to Run.

Sorry for the long A/N, I'll shut up now.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, MCU timeline is coming soon! Thank you for your support and kind words! Thank you for being here with me, and thank you for tolerating me and my mood swings.

