
Chapter 30 - The Date

Micro stood on top of a house in a Zombie ID. While he normally would've chosen a more powerful dungeon to train in, he was more interested in testing out his new Kabuki mask. While the previous one was an exact replica of the one in Big Hero 6, this one had replaced the colors with Micro's black and blue.


With that thought command a small swarm of the sharpened microbots flew from his inventory. With a grin Micro put his arms behind his back and jumped down to the street. Surrounded by the undead, he stood still as the small robots spun around, piercing the decaying skulls with ease. As the stingers tore through the mob, Micro easily counted how many were falling and Chara let loose a whistle.

Damn those things are strong

'Yep. Too bad the metal is so expensive.'

Money well spent it seems

'And that's 50. Return!'

The stinger bots were called back into his inventory while the Wakandan Vibranium bots formed a wall around him. All the while, Micro still kept his hands behind his back.

You are really trying to just mimic Darkseid aren't you?

'What? It's a cool stance. And this next part is more of a Gaara move anyway.'

The bots formed a dome around him just in time to stop a large fist from slamming into him. The Legion Zombie roared and continued trying to hammer the dome which just glowed purple.

"I think I have some of your energy?" Micro called out. "Have it back!"

One more command later and the dome launched itself at the Zombie's head, too quick for it to react. Surrounding the rotting creature's head, things were silent as it tried to claw the machines away.


With that sound, the body fell limp, now missing a head. Micro grinned like a mad man behind his mask and recalled his personal deadly swarm.

You have gained one level!

Micro instantly dropped one point into LUK like usual and wasn't too surprised when three screens popped up. Deciding another two points would be worth it, he through two into STR and got another one to appear.

By reaching STR 50, you gained an additional perk!

Bull's Strength

You have trained your strength to the point you can rival that of a bull with just your bare hands. Keep up the good work!

-Double the power of physical attacks

By reaching INT 50, you gained an additional perk!

Sage's Might

Your intelligence has allowed you to unlock further secrets of magic. Use it well and improve so one day you could rival even the great minds

-Double the power of magical attacks

By reaching WIS 50, you gained an additional perk!

Sage's Wisdom

You are truly wise and as such have unlocked more of the essence of magic.

-Double your MP restoration rate

By reaching LUK 50, you gained an additional perk!

This one however, pulled up a roulette.

'What the?'

Before Micro could question it further, he found an explanation screen pop up.

As luck can be used to determine many differing factors of one's life, you may only gain a perk for one area for luck to affect. The roulette is a rather fitting way to determine where your luck is placed isn't it?

Lottery Luck seems like it would be useful. It says here you are lucky when it comes to making money. Could treat your girlfriends to a nice fancy dinner or something?

'You are not subtle you know that?'

With a simple swipe, Micro spun the roulette, curious to what he would get. He saw Critical Luck to improve his chances of critical hits. Nature's Luck which would make it so the whether he wanted was more likely to happen (boring as hell both he and Chara said). Lucky Deal to give him a higher chance of getting better prices or for the item he wants to be on sale. Round and round it spun until finally, it stopped, and the result stunned the two watchers.

You have got to be f***ing kidding me

'I can't believe this.'

Only you

Pervert's Blessing

You know those situations that only seem to happen in the world of fiction? Well now the chance of theme happening around you is much more likely!

-Increase the odds of events happening that fulfil your perverted desires

You already have that happening though! Fluttershy! Frida!

'Guess it was destiny for those to occur. Well, I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth...wait…'

He looks down at his phone and saw it was 8:30 am.

'Son of a...I need to get ready and get to the mall!'

He shot into the ID version of his lab and exited the ID. Quickly, he began stripping off his clothes.

Take it off! Take it off!

'You know it's not fair that you see me naked but I can't see you.'

I'm not sending you an image of me naked. You want that then give me a body

'So you want me to see you naked?' Micro thought smugly as he stepped into the shower. Chara was silent and he blushed a bit knowing she was focused on his body. 'Well, at least I have you in case Fluttershy tries to charm me or something.'

Oh? Am I more charming than her?

'More like you're harder to ignore.'


'You did not just go full tsundere on me.'

The Mall at 10am

Micro waited outside the mall nervously.

You look fine. You've worn the same thing going out with Scootaloo so what's the big deal?

Those were spur of the moment dates that we did simply on a whim on those days. This is a full blown, asked out almost a week ahead of time date with one of the hottest girls at school!'

Well just calm down already! You won't do any better if you piss yourself

'Well I…'

"Sorry for making you wait!"

Micro and Chara stopped arguing as they turned and saw the girl in question walking up to them. Micro felt his jaw drop and knew Chara would've had the same thing happen if she were physical.

Instead of her usual sweater, Fluttershy opted to wear a tank top that hugged her massive chest and showed a decent amount of cleavage for the normally shy girl. Micro could sweat he even saw a small bit of bra at the edges of the neckline and arm holes. Her normally long skirt was replaced by one that only went down to the middle of her creamy thighs.

"So…" Fluttershy said, blushing. "How do I look? I thought I should try something you haven't seen me in yet."

"You look…" Micro said, stumbling on his words.

Hot? Sexy? A goddess you just want to pull the clothes off of and explore right here in front of everyone?


Unoriginal much…

"Oh!" Fluttershy blushed and looked down but he could see the smile on her face. "Thank you."


I think the game needs to take that Sweet Talker perk back

"What is it you want to do first?" Micro asked.

"Well, there is a pet store that I would like to visit, and a few clothing shops. I also wouldn't mind going to the arcade they put in."

"Wait," Micro said at that last one. "You like arcades?" Fluttershy smiled and blushed.

"Rainbow convinced me to go with her to one and I kind of enjoyed myself. Does that plan sound good?"

"It sounds...great!" Micro replied. The two walked into the mall. Seeing the looks some of the guys were giving them, Micro couldn't help but feel a small sense of male pride.

'How many guys are jealous of me do you think?'

There won't be anyone jealous if it turns out you are right and she sucks you dry

'I think more guys would be jealous if she suck me dr-' Before he could finish the thought an image of Fluttershy standing over his withered body dabbing at her lips with a napkin appeared in his mind. 'Oh...suck my blood…'

With that mental image in his head, Micro followed her into the pet store. Fluttershy saw the animals and started gushing over the majority of them. He had to admit it was cute and he began hoping that he was completely wrong about her. Looking around, he saw someone in a purple hoodie checking out the birds. One of the cages had a mirror in it and in the reflection he saw Spike's face. Inviting Spike to a party and pulling up his party chat window, Micro sent his friend a message.

Everything is going good so far

No duh. You are in public. Just go through the date and if she tries to lead you somewhere more private, be cautious.

If this were any other situation, a girl leading you off somewhere private would be a good thing.

Receiving a focus message from both Chara and Spike, Micro turned back to Fluttershy who was gushing over a cute little puppy.

'She can't possibly be evil! Who is evil and likes puppies?'

I'm sure there is some villain out there that does. Now you better be careful, because I swear if you die before getting me my own body I will follow your spirit and plague your afterlife!

It was another full hour before they left the pet store. Fluttershy apologized for taking so long but Micro just waved off her apologies. After all, if they had left earlier, he wouldn't have gotten that short show.

Five Minutes Prior

"Oh look at these cute little frogs!" Fluttershy gushed. Micro nodded and smiled at her cuteness.

"Do you want to hold one?" A worker asked. When Flutters nodded, she reached into the case and pulled out a small frog and gave it to the pinkette. Not ten seconds after she was handed it, the frog jumped and dove...right into her cleavage.

"AAHHH!" Fluttershy shrieked. The crowd in the area turned to look at her and many guys were treated to the show of the worker trying to help Fluttershy fish the frog out from between her breasts.


After that, the two decided to leave. Micro couldn't help but glance occasionally at the shiny film that was still coating the older girl's cleavage.

"So...um…." Fluttershy mumbled. "Do you mind if we go to a clothing store next?"

Four hours later

Micro was happy the mall had a storage area where you could put large amounts of bags while you still wanted to shop. They needed it after all the clothes that were bought.

At first, Fluttershy tried to pay for a lot of it, but Micro insisted. He had plenty of money and while she did ask him out, he was the one trying to make up for the incidents before. Everytime a new outfit was added to the pile, she tried to make him let her pay, but he refused. Besides, he considered some of the things payments in their own way.

At the Swimsuit Shop

"Micro, please just let me pay for this."

"Fluttershy, I have plenty of money from my inventions. I can easily afford these things. Heck, I pay for a lot of the things around my house."


"I insist."

She finally conceded and gave him a hug in thanks. The guys who were waiting for their own girlfriends were looking at him in jealousy. For one, his head was being pulled into her chest, which was only covered by a yellow triangle top bikini. Second, she was only wearing a skimpy yellow pair of of bikini bottoms so when he hugged back, his arms were wrapped around a mostly bare waist.

Yeah, this was fair compensation.


"I guess now it's off to the arcade," Micro said and Fluttershy nodded excitedly. The duo made their way to the thumping music and flashing lights of the game center. "So what game do you want to try first?"

They went to pretty much every arcade cabinet. Racing games, shooter games, luck based, rhythm. They played each other in Pac Man Battle. Micro had to act as a censor pretty much when she tried the electronic hopscotch game (best way I can describe it) since every time she jumped, her skirt bounced up, exposing her jiggling rear clad only in a thong. Many young boys and older boys had stopped to watch her and some had tried to take pictures but he blocked them.

Then there was the horror game. They were sitting in the booth and Fluttershy was caught off guard by the scares quickly and so she was eliminated. Micro survived longer, but not by much. Gamer's Mind kept the fear from taking him, but when Fluttershy was knocked out, everytime she was scared she would hug his arm to her chest, distracting him.

Despite this, they managed to hit jackpots on a lot of the luck based games. Micro knew that despite the perk only increasing his perverted luck, he still had a decent luck stat to increase his chances of winning. With those winnings, Fluttershy chose a t-shirt with the arcade's logo across the chest. She went and changed in the restroom as Micro flipped the Nintendo Eshop card he got with his points.

"What do you think?"

He turned and saw the shirt was clearly a size or two small, stretched tightly across her chest and exposing her stomach.

"You...you look amazing!" Micro said. Fluttershy giggle a bit and stuffed her other shirt in her bag. "So, do you want to grab a bite to eat?"

An Hour Later

"I had a lot of fun!" Micro said, as he dropped the bags off in the storage unit she used. Fluttershy apparently had a lot of animals at her house and so she didn't want to risk them getting into her clothes until she had time to sort through her closet.

That's not suspicious at all

Rolling his eyes, Micro smiled at Flutters.

"So, shall I walk you home?"

"Actually…" Fluttershy said, shifting nervously. "I have somewhere else I want to show you."

"Oh…" Micro said, now a bit nervous. "Um...ok…"

Fluttershy blushed and lead him to the woods next to the storage facility, all the while Chara was cautioning him.

This may be when she tries to make her move! Be careful! The others should be nearby.

Micro nodded as he sent out a message to Spike who confirmed they were entering the woods with them. Shutting the screen down, Micro followed the pinkette.

After a bit of walking, he felt a slight shiver.

'Did you feel that?'

Yeah...if I'm correct from sorting through your memories, that was the same as when-

"Here we are."

Micro looked up and saw a beautiful clearing. Ivy hung from trees. Flowers of all colors bloomed. There was even a small brook running through the clearing.

"This...this is amazing…"

"I'm glad you think so." Fluttershy's voice said. "I love this place. When I came across it, I knew that it would be my own personal haven. And that I would only share it with someone special."

"What do you…?"

Micro turned toward her voice and stopped. Fluttershy has removed all but her bra and panties and was standing there looking at him.

"I think that someone special is you."

Micro! Snap out of it! Focus! She is trying…

"Fluttershy I-" his words were silenced as her lips met his. At first Gamer's Mind kept him rational, but as he felt her body press against his and her hands working to undo the buttons of his shirt, his basic instincts took over.

His arms wrapped around her and began rubbing her back as he returned the kiss with equal passion. She pushed him back and they fell to the ground, her on top of him. For a brief second they separated and she smiled.

"Like how we first met." Before he could even think her lips met his again as she threw his shirt open. "You know, I felt such a thrill when we first slammed into each other. It felt so good I needed to make it happen again so I was sure."

"Then...the milk…" he moaned as she grinded a bit against him.

"All faked. I needed to feel that thrill again to be sure. I sensed your power the first time but couldn't believe someone so young…"

"Wait...Power…?" His thoughts were silence as she guided his hands to her rear.

"I knew I had to taste that power someday, and you agreeing to this date made it so much easier."

A small groan escaped her lips as he squeezed.

"I did have fun today though, make no mistake...and part of me wants to just continue this. But that would be cruel to make it so you can't remember your first time."

That caught Micro's attention and snapped him out of it.

"Wait...can't remember?!"

"I will leave the rest of the day though. All you will think happened is you walked me home."

Micro looked up at Fluttershy smiling, fangs slightly glistening.

"Don't worry… it'll only be a pint. Like a blood drive."

Micro didn't get a chance to speak again as she lunges down toward his neck.

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}
