
Mark's Elemental skills (Updated CH:571)


Attributes: Lightning, Ice, Space, Gravity, Oil, Poison, Antimatter, Fire, Water

Lightning, Poison, and Ice: Summoning Path

Gravity, Space, Oil, and Antimatter: mage path: ten elemental skills each.

Fire, Water: no skills due to achieving them after the system's departure



Attraction: Manipulate the graviton particles around to attract anything toward you. Work on any object or person as long as the target is below Celestial grade (weapon)/ not more than 2 realms above you (12-circle). Range: 50,000 meters. Cost: None EP. CD: None

Repulsion: Manipulate the graviton particles around to repel anything away from you. Work on any object or person as long as the target is below Celestial grade (weapon)/ not more than 2 realms above you (12-circle). Range: 50,000 meters. Cost: None EP. CD: None

Flight: Manipulate the graviton particles around to fly. Cost: None. CD: None.

Density Manipulation: manipulate the density of a target, from 0.01 to 1000 times. Cost: None EP. CD: None

Gravity Imprisonment: Imprison the targets under 1000g gravity. Range: 50,000meters. Note: Cannot be stacked with Gravity Dome's effects.

Gravity Defense: extract the energy from graviton particles to form a shield with durability of 150% defense (max: 12.9) Note: Weight doesn't change. Cost: 1% Ether energy per second. CD: None.

Gravity Beam: Extract the energy from the graviton particles to attack the target with 150% attack (Max: 12.9). The target that was hit will have graviton particles inside, which could be controlled by the user, depending on his mastery. Cost: 50% EP. CD: None

Gravity Blade: Extract the energy from graviton particles around to create a blade, sword, dagger, or spear of user's imagination, for a period of 300 seconds. The blade's attack has the power of 120% attack (max:11.9). Every time it strikes the target, the target's weight will increase double. The effects stack up to 512 times. Cost: 1% ether energy per second. CD: None

Singularity: Create singularity to absorb the targets and destroy them, Note: It only works against targets with not more than 2 realms above the user. The higher targets could escape. Cost: 50% ether energy. CD: None

Multiple Blackholes: Create multiple black holes with each one not greater than having 10km of diameter. Note: The user isn't immune to the gravitational pull of the created black hole. Cost: 10% Ether energy per black hole. CD: 72 hours. 



Teleportation: Teleport to the location the user visited atleast once. Range: 100,000 km. Cost: None. CD: None

Spatial Barrier: Create a Spatial Barrier to lock a certain volume of Space with a durability of 1 realm above the user (current: 11.9). Range: 1000 meters. Cost: 20% ether energy. CD: None.

Spatial Distortion: Distort the space around the target/multiple targets to crush them with spatial pressure. The attack power is 120% (max: 11.9). Cost: 20% ether energy per target. CD: None

Location Swap: Swap the locations with the target as long as the target isn't two realms above the user. If contracted beast or demon: No such requirement is needed. Cost: None. CD: 60 seconds

Compression: The User can compress the matter into condensed size without hurting the objects or people inside for a period of 60 minutes. After time limit, everything will become original right on the spot. Note: weight doesn't change. Cost: 30% Ether energy. CD: 3 hours.

Long teleportation: The user can travel long distances to any place he visited once before. Range: 50,000,000 km. Note: Can travel outside the planet too. Cost: 50% Ether energy. CD: 1 hour.

Return: You can return from anywhere to your home, provided you set one place as home beforehand. Range: 5000 light years. Cost: 80% Ether energy. CD: 24 hours.

Spatial Slicing: Slice through the fabric of space with a thought of your mind. Any kind of matter caught by the attack will be sliced into two and no amount of physical defense will work against the attack, unless it is blocked by the barrier. Range: 250 meters. Cost: 80% ether energy per each slice. CD: None

Wormhole: Forcefully bend the space to create temporary wormholes to ease up your travel in space. Range: 50 light years. Note: You cannot bend the space with any individual matter that weighs above 1exa ton. Cost: 100% ether energy. CD: None

Void Rift: Tear the space and open temporary rift, throwing the enemies into it. The enemies that were sent away through the skill will be randomly teleported in the space, maximum up to 1 light year of distance away. Cost: 100% Ether energy. CD: 24 hours.



Oil Detection: Enhance senses to the maximum to detect oil deep inside the planet. Range: 5000 km surface, 50 km depth. Cost: None. CD: 30 minutes.

Oil Daggers: Create Daggers made of Oil to throw at the enemy. Everytime the oil dagger struck the target, it will set off an explosion with 110% attack power (Max: 10.9). Cost: 10% per each dagger. CD: None

Oil transmutation: Touch any non living object to turn it into oil, as long as the object is not an ether weapon. Note: It also works on dead people. Cost: None. CD: 10 minutes.

Oil blast: Shoot a blast of condensed oil at the target. When it strikes, the oil explodes with an attack power of 130% (Max: 11.9). Range: 100 meters. Cost: 20%. CD: None

Oil generation: Consume your ether energy to generate 50 liters of Oil. Cost: 10% ether energy. CD: 30 minutes.

Oil golem: Create a Golem made of oil, with the stats of the same as the user. Note: the Oil golem when destroyed by either the enemies or self destroy order from the user will explode, inflicting 150% attack power in its 1500 meter surroundings (max: 12.9). Cost: 1% ether energy per second. CD: None.

Reflective Aura: Create a layer of enchanted oil to cover over the body and deflect a portion of attacks that hit you for 60 minutes. Damage reduction: 20%. Cost: 50% ether energy. CD: 6 hours

Elixir of Vitality: Create an elixir of vitality from the enchanted oil to heal you or your ally wounds. Note: The created elixir only stays effective for 300 seconds. After that, it will turn into normal oil. Cost: 50% ether energy per each flask. CD: 6 hours.

Oil Clone: Create an oil clone with one realm above your max stats (Current strength: 11.9). When it destroys by the enemy or a self destructing order from the user, it will explode, inflict heavy damage in its 1500 meter surroundings (12.5 at the point of impact and 0.9 at the edge of its range.) Cost: 1% ether energy per second. CD: 3 hours once dismissed, 24 hours once destroyed.

Abyssal Oil: Create a pitch-black primordial oil to attack the enemies. Whatever this corrosive oil touches, it will melt it down to nothing. Note: It only works on items below Celestial grade. For people, it will work on targets that are not 2 realms more than the user. Cost: Varies. CD: Varies.



Antimatter Creation: The user can create antimatter from his ether energy upto 5kg at once. Note: the created antimatter must be stored in a vaccum chamber or else, it will react to the matter and cause annihilation, affecting the user too. Cost: 1% ether energy per 50gm of antimatter. CD: None

Antimatter Transmutation: The user can transform any matter, living or non-living, into anti-matter with a directly touch of his hand up to 50kg. Note: Without control, the created anti-matter will instantly react with matter (air) and cause annihilation through the release of gamma rays and others, affecting the user too. Cost: 50% ether energy. CD: None

Antimatter infusion: Infuse antimatter into objects and control them through telepathy. Note: if the object gets destroyed, the vaccum created inside the object will be removed and antimatter inside react with matter and cause annihilating in the surroundings, affecting the user too. Cost: 1% ether energy per 2gm of antimatter. CD: None

Antimatter blade: Create a blade of condensed antimatter that is protected by vaccum layer, with an attack power of 120% (11.9). Its shape can be changed at the user's will, and everytime the blade the strikes the target, 10gm worth antimatter will escape and cause annihilation, striking the enemy with the release of gamma energy that has equivalent to the power of a peak stage demigod (10.9 =~90 Tera joules of energy). Note: The release of energy will also affect the user. Cost: 1% ether energy per second. CD: None

Antimatter bomb: Create an antimatter explosive and throw it at the enemy. The resulting blast will release an energy equivalent to that of an immortal realm expert (12.5). Note: the energy release from gamma rays will also affect the user. Range: 500 meters. Blast radius: 1.5 km. Cost: 50% ether energy. CD: None

Antimatter clone: Create a clone of antimatter with the same stats as the user for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, the clone will self destruct and cause annihilation in the surroundings with an attack power of an immortal realm (12.9 = 10 exa joules). Note: the energy release will also affect the user. Blast range: 1.5km. Cost: 1% ether energy per second. Cost: None

Antimatter Blast: Shoot a blast of antimatter energy at the target. If there is no external barrier made of energy, it will pass through material things such as armor and skin and explode inside the energy, releasing energy equivalent to the Saint (13.1 = 30 exajoules). Range: 1000 meters. Cost: 80% ether energy. CD: 12 hours.

Antimatter Beam: Shoot a beam of antimatter at the target with 150% attack power (13.9), annihilating everything in the path. Note: the annihilation occurs in the path will also release energy in the surroundings, affecting the user. Range: 30,000 meters. Cost: 100% ether energy. CD: 24 hours.

Disintegration: Touch the target and induce antimatter particles in the cells of the body, causing disintegration of the body, as long as the target is below 15-circle realm. Note: However, the energy release during the process might affect the user too. Cost: 100% ether energy. CD: 72 hours.

Anti-matter Dimension: Create a dimension where you can store antimatter energy or antimatter bodies for 7 days. Note: After expiry, the dimension placed at the location will release all the stored antimatter energy inside, causing annihilation. Note 2: No one but the user can enter this dimension but it could be destroyed from outside through various means. Cost: 100% Ether energy. CD: 15 days.

