
god of love

Night's getting late, after Ma Shin visited Arya and Ryung Hwa in Santorini, as usual he disappeared quickly and suddenly was at the hospital where Ryan was being treated at that time. Se made Ryan to sleep when he was thinking about Alexa, Diana, and Anne.

After Ryan fell asleep, Ma Shin returned to Kaesong and approached Alexa in Ryung Hwa's room. She crouched near the bed of Ryung's noble daughter, took the green bottle containing the magic potion that she concocted three days ago, then Ma Shin mumbled quietly saying something to Alexa.

She also looked at the girl's face while holding Ryung Hwa's left arm. A few moments later, a wisp of white smoke came out of Ryung Hwa's body. At the same time, the lump also came out of Alexa's body.
