
First Mobs killed!

Cao Tai POV

As we arrive at the town of 'West Store'

We are greeted with solemn faces burying their close ones, and people sweating, fighting the small isolated fires all over the village.

I walk over to this young child and offer him a Honeysuckle (He doesn't have anything sweet on him)

"What's your name, little man?"

The boy takes the Honeysuckle and starts to enjoy its nectar, "Names Lao"

"Just Lao?"

"Yes, sir"

"So Lao. What exactly happened to this town? Why is it on fire?"

Even though I know practically what happened, it's always good to get a first person picture if you can.

"It started like this:" [Yes folks! We are gonna go into Narrator POV!]


Narrator POV

<8 Hours Ago>

As the sun was slowly rising, most of the people of the village of West Store exit their houses, to begin their long day of tending the crops, going fishing, guarding their town, etc.

After an hour of labor the kids start tricking out, joining their parents in their work or simply playing, depending on their wealth in the town.

Suddenly the bells start ringing, they don't ring unless there's an important event, like a meeting and they've made a decision on something... unless...

A cry from the Western watchtower, "130 Bandits coming this way! Prepare for battle!"

Suddenly the village breaks its regular routine, carts overturned and adults arming themselves while the children gather kindling to light 4 fires (This means between 100-250 Attackers)

Once the fires are lit the elderly and the children begin to hide in the Aldermans (Headmans) basement, then the real fighting begins.

The thief army begins to march up to their town [And I just realized I suck at writing battle scenes, so bear with me :( ]

As they arrive near the gate they stop, a shout goes over them, "Surrender or die!"

"All bandits are the same! Fools who think they can get through our honorable village!"

The Bandits, now certain that they must capture the village, yell their war cry and charge the makeshift palisade.

The villagers, spears in hand, do their best at repelling the Bandits, but after the third wave it was clear that they'll breach the palisade soon, and with their numbers, capture the town, now may be the time to get a advantageous deal, or at least something out of this.

Unfortunately, the bandits were having none of it, charging and smashing the palisades before the villagers had time to negotiate.

As if knowing its location, the bandits tear off the door to the hidden room in the Aldermans house, where the people are hiding.

They tear off the roof and pull out the elderly, the children run out on their own volition.

Trying to find their parents, majority of the fathers were already in a dreadful position (Something resembling a Blood Eagle)


Cao Tai POV

"A-and then m-m-my mother-" Lao starts to sniff, I pat him on the head, hand him a silver coin, and motion for him to quiet down with my other hand.

"It's ok, I know the rest, go along and play with your friends now, brave one"

I stand up and walk out of the town. After all, there was nothing to do, but then looking around, I see a forest and think, 'Why not camp there? The sounds of nature are always the best...'

Violet and Sasha soon follow behind me and we enter the forest looking for a suitable position to place the 'tent'.


While searching for a suitable location I find a path, to what I assumed would lead to a Hunters Cabin, or maybe a Loggers Cabin.

As I was walking down the path the foliage gets thicker and thicker, to the point where it looked like the sun was setting, even though it was High Noon.

After 5 minutes [You all were expecting this, right?] I run into this body, a person looking like an elf with a long sword planted on the ground.

The ground saturated with his own blood, clearly have died out.

All over his body there are claw marks, and as if on cue, one single howl is heard in the forest.

All that comes to mind is a 'Werewolf' even though their fake, or not? This is fantasy, kind of.

I pick up the sword and in respect of the amazing sword I was given, I begin to bury the poor elf-like person.

As I begin digging his grave, a feel something cold touch my back and I instinctively shiver, like the cold hands of death are poking me [*poke poke*]

I turn around, and put away my imaginary shovel (The good ol'hands) and slowly draw out my sword, to see 3 blue figures jump out of the woods... Drowned to be precise.

I raise my sword above my head, and lower the tip a 60 degree angle... I really should learn how to use a sword if my system wants me to become a Monster Killin SWORDMASTER!!! Or is it just me...

'Hey system, are there any sword courses I can take?'

<Yes, you can take a Beginners course for 5 Dollars, Intermediate course for 25 dollars, Master course at 100 Dollars, and Legendary course at 2500 Dollars>

'Buy the Beginners course'

<Purchased... -5 Dollars... remaining System Currency: 0.5 Dollars, 36 Tokens (He got these from doing basic quests and Daily Rewards). You will begin sword class in your sleep... 1000 hours remaining until you master this course.>

Well... darn... here I thought that I was going to get it instantly...

I go into my most 'defensive' stance and wait for them to come at me, "One at a time please..."

They don't listen and start charging at me, I instinctively point my sword in front of me, like a spear, and one gets impaled but the 2 keep coming, so I quickly pull my sword out and fight the rest...


<10 Minutes later>

After a tough fight... I finally got its head off... what a beating I took... I think I'm going to lay here alongside my dead Elf friend right here...

I then hear a rustle and out came a new monster...

<Ding! New species discovered!>

{Lesser Ghouls [Corpse Eaters] -

"If you face 1 of these, no problem, even an angry peasant can. 3 could take on a decent fighter. 7, a experienced fighter. 20, a trained monster slayer. 40, a master monster slayer. (Excrept of Brother Hollow's Book of Monster, Page 153)"

Lesser ghouls also congregate in large numbers, people call these groups 'Packs', they move on all fours and has a near humanlike face, but has a mouth full of jagged teeth and a hideous face, showing that it isn't a human, but something like them. These ghouls tend to congregate near areas where carnage will happen or where it has happened you can tell that a ghoul is here if there are howls during the day and night and that all the corpses have entirely decomposed too quickly. This will also give you 5 copper coins and it increases by 1.1 for every head you bring to the nearest guild. [more info can be bought at the system store] }

Oh... so it wasn't a Werewolf, it was a lonely Lesser Ghoul, but it says that they come in large packs... so I guess it's time to leave this area, I'm not ready.

As the ghoul comes near I can smell its putrid scent... 'Somebody didn't take a shower lately... AND IT SHOWWWSS'

<Errrr... Invalid Syntax, Insult not understood, fool>


As the ghoul starts to sniff at my body I deftly swipe my sword up, killing it quickly.

I then see that there are no more mobs so I quickly bury the elf and leave, to hear another two dings.

<Your Sponsor is slightly disappointed in the amount of monsters you killed, he is also disappointed at how low your tactics were to kill that Lesser Ghoul.>

Shut the fuck up, you don't know how hard those Drowners were to kill...

<You have received 1 Lesser Ghoul head, and 3 Drowner heads, turn these in at the local Guild or you can keep them for upgrades.>

I ignore this and make my way back to the cabin to see Violet and Sasha discussing something, before seeing that I reek. I quickly make my way to the creek, to wash away my reek (Wow a rhyme.... I must be a poet!)

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