
One Month

On the same day, the wedding planner secured locations to visit after hearing about the couple's plans for a grand wedding in a castle. 

Some spots were fully booked for touring, but the mere mention of the couple's name cleared out appointments in the blink of an eye. 

The couple toured the outskirts of Ritan, but none pleased the couple, so they stretched far and beyond the country. The entire journey took three days of traveling across cities and towns until soon, they found the perfect location.

Above a scenic hill that overlooked a meadow was a mansion so enormous and tall, it appeared like a castle from afar. This was a hidden gem and the owners were even looking to sell off the piece of land, for they were deep in debt. Lina fell for the spectacular architecture, but stayed for the mesmerizing sunset.

"Oh my…"

In the backyard there was a stone wall whose height stopped right at her stomach. 
