
New life and Exploring the system

On a dark silent night with a lonely moon shining with a creepy pale light different from its usual serene shine.

A weird event was currently happening in the Uchiha clan's compound unnoticed by both the weak and the strong in the village.

A five years old orphan that lost his parents during the incident of the Kyubi going berserk suddenly opened his eyes from his sleep and felt a terrible pain out of nowhere.

His face turned pale white, almost identical to the color of the moonlight shining on this village hidden in the leaf.

His breathing started slowing down each second until his heart stopped beating and an eerie silence invaded the lonely room, and so the poor kid died with no one aware of him and leaving no person to grieve for him.

Suddenly the little kid that seemed dead a second ago took a deep breath and jolted up into a sitting position breaking the eerie silence in his room.

The more the body of the little kid restored, it felt like the whole world was turning back to normal and the moon started shining again with its pure white light until the kid opened his eyes, eyes filled with confusion about his surroundings.

'Is this what happens after death?' he thought while receiving memories about his current location and situation.

'So this kid's name is Bakorio huh? Fine since this is a new start in life for me I will keep using this name to honor your life too' he thought when suddenly he heard a *beep* in his head and saw a panel with a notification appear in front of him which he read with a surprised look.

*Gamer system bounding to the host completed!*

*Please check your options by thinking -option-*

'Just how many surprises I am going to feel -option-' he thought while letting out a sigh and a new panel appeared in front of his eyes.

*Status - inventory - shop - quests*

He chose status first.


Name: Bakorio Uchiha.

Health: 77 (+1/min). . [(str+agi+phy)/3+vit]*5

Chakra: 86/136 (+2/min).

Stamina: 100 (+1/min).

Attributes: strength 5 / agility 5/ physique 6 / vitality 10 / stamina 10 / spirit: 20.

Skills: none.

Abilities: save and load.

Bloodline: Uchiha 2%.

Talent: chakra basic. , body basic.

(Normal civilian has 10 on his attribute) (Talent levels: basic /medium/advanced/master... Each one is 4 times better than the previous*

He clicked on the bloodline and talents.

2% Uchiha bloodline: additional affinity with fire element +1%.

Talent chakra: can't surpass a civilian chakra level with normal means.

Talent body: can't surpass a civilian body attributes with normal means.

'Sigh now I understand why this kid was deemed useless. A 2% bloodline and a civilian-level talent! with this he will never be capable of training his chakra not to mention open his Sharingan sigh.

Next, he checked what excited him the most, his abilities.

Save and load: save a point in time and can return to it at any time.

'Are you kidding me????? Just this ability alone is worth it even if I had nothing else ' he thought overwhelmed with excitement.

Wasting no time he thought about using it and a panel with 3 empty save slots appeared in front of him like that of a game.

After clicking on the first one, he typed in the title of the save as *start* and pressed confirm, and voila he got a save point!

Wanting to test it, he stood up and changed the position of the bed before thinking in his head ' load to *start*' and felt his vision blacking out for a moment before everything turned back to normal and he found the bed back to its original position making him ecstatic about the potential of this ability but he saw that there's a 2/3 number on the saving panel and a cooldown of 24h

'it seems I can only use it 3 times a day huh'.

Next, he checked his inventory and he found 10 slots, 9 empty, but one contained a simple box with the simple description: beginner gift box: contains 3 random items.

And so he clicked on it to open it hoping he will get something good from it and he quickly checked the panel that appeared.

*beginner gift box opened x1.

Reward: basic blood purifying pill x1, advanced body tempering pill x1, random talent x1 *

He clicked on each of the items to see their description.

Basic blood purifying pill: enhance a chosen bloodline by 10%.

Advanced body tempering pill: greatly raise the quality of the body.

Random talent: give the user a random talent with a random level

And without hesitation he started consuming them one by one, starting with the bloodline pill and he chose the only bloodline he has 'Uchiha'.

The moment the pill entered his mouth it melted and he started feeling his blood heating up and that heat traveled to his whole body moving in cycles but he felt it more concentrated in his eyes.

After 3 mins it stopped and he felt somehow lighter and his vision clearer than ever.

Next, he took the body tempering pill, and the moment it melted in his mouth, he felt a terrible pain in his whole body as if every cell was getting destroyed and reconstructed into something with more potential and this continued for a long time before he couldn't endure the pain anymore, twitched one last time which resulted in him falling from his bed and then he fainted...

- 2 hours later -

A 5-year-old kid opened his eyes one more time and found that it was still dark outside and he's laying down on the floor with a pool of sweat surrounding him making him disgusted by the smell but he ignored it for now and opened his status to check just how big the changes in his body are

(a/n: I will just show what changed)

Hp: 77 > 233 (+3 min)

Ch: 136 > 330 (+4 min)

Sta: 500 (+5 min)

Attributes: str 5 > 15, agi 5 >15, phy 6 > 20, vit 10 > 30, sta 10 >50, spr 20 > 40.

Talents: chakra- basic > medium, body- basic > advanced.

Bloodline: Uchiha 2% > 20% (+10% fire affinity)

Looking at the huge improvement brought by the two pills he simply couldn't believe his luck, still many things were affected like his chakra talent and spirit probably from the strengthening of the bloodline which was affected by the body tempering pill too raising from the expected 12% to 20%.

'What if I load before the time I opened the beginner box will I get something different? After all, it says the reward is random!! But before that let see what I get as a random talent'

And without further waiting, I clicked on the random talent and received the current notification.

* One random talent used: you received the talent cooking - advanced *

'Not bad, at least I didn't get a dancing talent or something useless like that. Now let save this point and check my theory quickly'

Before long a new save *test* was made before Bakorio loaded to *start*.

Without wasting any time he directly opened the beginner box and to his disappointment he received: good quality sword / basic detoxifying pill/ water bullet Jutsu, as for the talent he received fishing talent.

Feeling disappointed he almost went back to the *test* saving point but he quickly stopped himself and thought ' wait I can learn that Jutsu after all my memories won't be affected by loading ' and so he learned it and information about the Jutsu and how to execute it appeared in his head and opened his status he also saw it in skills section as:

Water bullet Jutsu: rank c: cost 200 cha: level 1 (1% exp).

Wanting to test it he slowly did some hand seals feeling his chakra moving with each hand sign he does and shaping itself in the form of a water bullet which he felt can control and he directed it toward the wall in front of him and it left a fist-sized hole in it and he noticed his experience with it raised to 2%.

Feeling satisfied he quickly returned to the *test* save point before any trouble arrived and as he suspected the Jutsu disappeared from his status panel but his knowledge and prior experience using it are still there.

'It's possible it will reappear after I use it again but that has to wait until I am somewhere secluded' I thought before checking the store function finding it contains all kinds of skills and items from different worlds too but you need system points to buy them which could be acquired by selling things to the system or completing quests.

After his system exploration ended, reality finally hit him that he's now in a new world, a world that can bring his dead heart back to life.

'Starting from this village' I thought with a smile while looking from the window enjoying the breeze and the beauty of the lonely moon in the sky.
