
Cap 560: Rescuing the Blood Demons part 1

The person we captured for interrogation was also of the Fox Tribe Beastmen race, it seems Hela took into account what I said on the way here about needing more blood to get a pure bloodline for that race. 


<[ Her bloodline became stronger and purer [ Beast Man (Fox): 73%> 100% ] ]> 

"I am Vanessa Blood Priestess, may my blood guide this person to their judgment after death." (Vanessa) 

"Today I pray to the great Goddess Selene to judge those who have brought suffering without cause to her faithful." (Vanessa) 

"May those who committed crimes to be judged in her name, may crimes be paid for in blood." (Vanessa) 

"Today I let my blood flow so that this crime is judged in the name of the Goddess Selene." (Vanessa) 
