
Cap 502: Blood slave

I let Nix throw all the bodies into the Dungeon where they will be absorbed and become some DP, both the survivors, as well as those who died, have been stripped of all their items, weapons, and clothing for me to try and find a clue as to who they are. 

  The survivors were taken to the Dungeon where they will be interrogated by Elsaris, Lilian, and Lilith. 

  I let the carriage go back the way it had been planned after I got rid of the lines I'd spread around, then head to the hidden room inside the carriage where I left the Dungeon gate open. 

  I went straight to the Temple of Blood where Vanessa spends most of her time, I find her cleaning the place up and call her into a room with me for a chat. 

  "You look thoughtful, what happened for you to come to me this time, Father?"  (Vanessa) 

  "We were attacked by two or three hundred enemies, all with SS Grade strength."  (I) 
