
Cap 419: World tree seed

When I woke up I was desperate because I couldn't breathe, I open my eyes and realize that Orion with his big body was lying on top of me. 

  "Get out... from above..." (I) 

  I push Orion with all my might, but before he gets too high he's stopped by the Elf Queen, so he starts descending toward me. 

  "What happened? Why was I flying up?"  (Orion) 

  "Because I was almost suffocating to death."  (I) 

  "Careful next time, the energies around this platform are very chaotic right now, it would have been dangerous."  (Luthien) 

  "I wasn't thinking clearly at the time, thanks Luthien."  (I) 

  I thank the Elf Queen while stroking Orion's head, then I try to look around and see Layla sleeping punching the air, Sakura was sleeping hugging Nix who was biting her head. 
