
Magical Forest

Liu Feng just listened to the class, and paid attention. Cordelia also noticed this, and was surprised herself. She did not expect Liu Feng's sudden reversal in attitude. She ignored it though.

"I know these kids, thinking that changing for a day will help get a sudden reversal in my treatment.", she thought to herself.

"Well, he just got in a fight recently, maybe he is laying low for a while. But thugs always remain thugs. Thank god he is going to Derail. I just can't stand him.", she thought to herself.

The class ended a while later, with Liu Feng almost falling asleep.

"Well, no matter how much I want to pay attention, the class is too basic and boring for me. What can I do?", Liu Feng shrugged. He quickly went to the self defense classes. He went to the great sword area, but his teacher, Long Che, was nowhere to be seen.

"I think that he did not expect me to come."
