

"Like seriously his your cousin!?" I asked in amazement

"Oh yea he is, by the way why did you kiss me without permission?" She asked sarcastically rolling her cute eyes

"But you reacted to the kiss, you won't tell me that you never enjoyed it" I said as she rolled her eyes and looked away

"Your reactions actually shows that you liked the kiss" I said

"But I didn't at all" she snapped

"Alizeh you really changed, you now behave like a real girl" I said in a smile as she blushed in a cute way.

Guess I should ride on with the discussion.

"Was that your second kiss?" I asked calmly

"Oh yes you actually stole my second kiss" she rolled her eyes backing me childishly.

Gosh I kissed her the second time!, like seriously I can't predict how glad I am.

Alizehs POV

Oh why did I say that!, his gonna feel special now arrgghh, stupid me!

I don't know why I feel weak in front of him, he is actually my weakness.
