
What is Ascension?

"S-Sea King?" It was Ace's first time hearing this term, and the rare this humongous creature just revealed.

"Are you a Sea Beast?" Ace had to ask since it was his first time encountering a talking sea beast. He was under the impression that all the sea beast was bloodthirsty like the demonic beast, and there weren't many records about them. 

Furthermore, this sea beast was standing at the panicle of power of the Golden Sky Word, and he seemed quite interested in him for some reason. Now, he needed to decide whether he wanted to flee or stay. 

"Why, of course! I'm not surprised you never heard of us before since you land dwellers are so weak you are not qualified to talk on equal terms with us." Pen disdainfully stated. 

Ace didn't retort and calmly asked with a peculiar glint in his eyes, "I think you're right. My name is White. What do you want with me?" 
