
Heavenly Rune Crafting

Ace scan through the manual of the Heavenly Rune Crafter calmly. 

The Heavenly Rune Crafting was heavenly because after learning it, Ace can use the Heavenly Soul Qi for rune crafting as well as normal worldly qi. 

If he would've learned any local methods for rune crafting, he simply can't become a rune crafter because his soul qi was heavenly soul qi! 

Ace finally understands just how beneficial soul cultivation truly is and feels quite blessed to begin a soul cultivator. Because without soul qi no one can become a Rune Crafter and only soul cultivators can possess soul qi. 

The heavenly rune crafter foundational manual was divided into five separate parts. Each part was very important and linked to the other and with missing even one, rune crafting was impossible. 
