
Chapter 834- Battle For The Capital (6)

"Don't you feel rage, doesn't your blood boil in anger when you see them in such a miserable state? If you want to rescue them, if you want to redeem them from their current plight, then you must wield your weapon. That would be the greatest salvation and honour for them, to die in your hands. That way, they would depart as a fellow soldier of this soil".

Her words, laden with a sense of duty and a call to honour, were like a surge of energy injected into a machine that was running low on power.

The effect was palpable. The soldiers, initially struck by the disheartening sight of the Enslaved Legion, found renewed strength and purpose. It was as if Cynthia's words had reforged their determination, turning the initial shock into righteous anger.

The soldiers, momentarily shaken, now stood tall, their eyes reflecting not only the fire of battle but also a commitment to liberate those who had been unjustly shackled.
