
Divine Art (1)

編輯: Atlas Studios

On Jiang Li's side, his left hand controlled the cultivation of the Great Mountain Alliance, and his right hand led Fengdu City's Ghost Domain to compete for supremacy.

In the Netherworld Illusion, he used the two Nine Nether Branches and the City Lord's stone monument of Fengdu City to quickly strengthen his faction.

As time passed, he kept a low profile and was steady. The main areas of activity were places he controlled or areas that cultivators rarely stepped foot in.

However, sending out ghost soldiers and small demons to collect ghosts on a large scale and opening the ghost market to attract some rogue cultivators could not be hidden.

The news of the reappearance of Fengdu Ghost City was spread by word of mouth among the rogue cultivators. Soon, it was no longer a secret.

Moreover, this time, if they wanted to enter Fengdu City, yjru did not need to step foot in the Ghost King Desolate Ground.
