

[Loki snap out of it]

I came to from my inner turmoil to see Ullr kneeling.

He's right. Nix's life is on the line here. I can't act like a baby. This was a freak accident and I can't save everyone. Anyways, this guy was likely a dead beat like the rest of these bandits.

[well burying it isn't the answer Loki. You jumped personalities way to quick]

We aren't debating this now though and I'll deal with my feelings later. For now I have a job to do so I should harden my heart to this.

Getting up I lift Ullr out of a bow.

"I know Ullr I asked you to train me. This isn't your fault and I needed to grow up eventually." (I have to come to terms with this later.)

Looking out ignoring the dead body, I see the other watchtower in the brush.

"Let's go."


Meeting up with Sif with a wolf and a bandit in tow I saw Nix arriving at the same time carrying the last woman.

He saw that I only came with half my quarry but didn't ask any questions.

"Okay Sif, I want you to tend to the women's bodies. Take care of anything you can. We can deal with the serious injuries together."

Sif nodded and put the women together in the ground slowly examining them one by one. She mended cuts and bruise while using a mixture of the life potion and anti-Biotics to take care of a majority of their injuries.

I'm sure Sif could do a good job on their bodies but their minds will take some time.

As for the Wolves, we kept them knocked out. I had healed any wound we made using our weapons and continued to dose them to keep them under.

Now for the 6 bandits we captured. Nix and I lined them up. Side by side and blindfolded them.

We woke only one of them up by extracting the drug. Injection can be used to insert but also remove substances.

"Uhh... where am I?"

"Hello Ed."

"Who are you?"

I look at this man, "I'll ask you one time, Remove your bond with your wolf."

"My wolf? Ha ha ha... You captured me for a wolf. You crazy hores son that is so rich. You have no idea what your dealing with. Release me and my chief will take it easy on you."

Currently his chief is drinking in his castle non the wiser. And we are far enough away that their screams won't be heard. This guy did the typical evil villains baseless threat.

I looked to Nix. "Move Sif and the girls out of here."

I said this scarily to a point that Nix was shocked. "Okay Loki?"

Ullr then put a hand on my shoulder signaling me to relax.

I can't fucking relax. I just killed a man due to my stupidity in using Opiods and these mother fuckers still wanna laugh in my face. Forcing me to do more harm than good. I'm a pharmacist not a torturer.

I turn lift my two fingers up a current begin to flows between them.

"I wonder how long you'll stay complacent while I keep firing your pain receptors. Especially your fingers. They have the most pain receptors. If I just grab your finger here and.."


"That actually didn't work!"

The man was already crying after 5 minutes of it.

"Let me go. I'll make you rich, I'll do anything."

"Release the wolf."

"I can't!"

At this point we had awakened a few of the bandits already do they could hear their partner scream. Their mouths are tied up though.


The man looked desperate. He struggled to speak before saying, "because I love her."

At that point my jaw drops. I look to Ullr who is surprised as well.

Somehow I want to wash my hands for even touching this guy.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't light you on fire."

"Please don't deny me my love. She's my dear lover. I know we're separate species but don't deny our love."

Besides disgust, I stop a moment and come up with a quick fire quip, "if it was truly love why do you have her restrained. Love is free isn't it."

He was tongue tied for a moment. At that moment the tattoo of a wolf on his arm faded and one of the wolves are free.

I am not sure if I am satisfied with that. Beastiality really?

[If you don't murder this disgusting man, I will]

I may be disgusted by this but who am I to deny his love.

[Your not seriously thinking of going along with him]

Well I was gonna turn over these guys to the authorities but who knows if a quick vasectomy happens between here and there.

Lifting my two finger that are pointed together in a gold glow, I swipe across my body.

He immediately cried a bit then passed out.

Okay next one. I open his garb to hear him speak.

"You'll never have me give in!"

Okay so let's see I have a new acid I can slowly pour maximizing pain...

"Ha the first two were pussies."

Break the femurs and certain bones...

"You will never have me concede!"

Frostbite on the shoulder is known to be extremely painful..

One by one I tortured these men. And every single scream slowly pushed me step by step toward a cold abyss. The Goddess has repeated tried to stop me after a while instead of egging me on, but I'm ignoring her messages. That was until I felt a hug from behind shocking me.

"Big brother Loki please stop it!"

Who else could it be but Sif.

"What are you doing here Sif?" I said this shocked and a bit ashamed.

"Loki it's okay to feel. I know your hurting. Please stop it."

I look at this golden girl squeezing me with her tiny arms adding a warmth to my slowly freezing heart.

[The tranquility rune and the Rage rune have made you more calculated but not cold blooded. Wake up and realize, you can't save everyone. These men know their bastards. Everyone deserves to be saved from the hands of a doctor but not everyone wants to be. These men knew what they were signing up for when they came here]

So then what would you have me do my Goddess? I am not all powerful. You said it yourself. Forcing people to do what you want with power is tyranny even if it's with the best intentions. These people know that to get out of this, all they have to do is just release the wolves but they all refused! Why? I just want the world to be better.

[Pride Loki. They have pride in the way they lived. They care not for honor and justice and it is their right. They know their time is up no so they won't just sit down and give in]

So what's the right course of action. I need to save the wolves but I can't do that without torturing them.

[There is no right answer here Loki. The world is fucked up. But that doesn't mean you have to be fucked up. Like Ullr said before, your doing this to protect your family and yourself. You are helping the wolves because it is wrong. A police officer doesn't break down when he is forced to shoot a robber to defend someone and then come home to his family later. He does his duty. And it is the hardest one. To hurt someone to protect those you love make you a guardian Angel]

I don't want to be damaged though. I don't want to fall into that mental abyss of evil.

[Get a grip. Ullr told you before already that there are sometimes necessary evils. You were never mentally stable to begin with. What's one more chip. And besides, no matter how jaded you get you have something special. An innate goodness and kindness. You genuinely look for the best in people. Don't think the people around you don't notice it. It's why people are naturally attracted to you. No one is asking you to be a monster, but for the sake of your little brother you have to be strong. Even if that strength comes from fighting fire with fire.]

I'm balling again at this point. Man, today is not my day. Only a few days into my adventure and I've balled twice!

"Hey Pussy, are you going to torture me or what?"

I look at the last creep. Sif is still glued to me. An interesting thought came to my mind.

"How about I try this."

Sif was going to stop me until I turned to her and smiled.

She was confused but let go seeing I was okay.

I then used a soul smithing art by placing my hand over his head and infecting his body with my mana.

Searching for for a moment I found his soul.

I then used my will to slowly observe his soul until I found the bit I believed to correspond to the wolf. This took actually about two hours because the soul is extremely complicated. Even then this was just a memory.

I read through his memory with the reverse of the soul smithing skill called imprint.

This is the skill that allows my will to make instructions on a soul using my thoughts.

It's actually extremely complicated because it requires basically using my thoughts as an ink and my will as a pen to write in directions.

The reverse is just reading. All I do I read the memories or thoughts. These two skills are actually the bread and butter of soul smithing.

Reading his thoughts, I locate where the contract made with the wolf was forcefully sent to and low and behold its outside the shell imported on it.

Zooming out of the essence. I find a small corner where a symbol of a wolf is. I then slowly use my mana to over write the symbol.

Suddenly that symbol disappeared from the man and appeared on my shell.

A lot of people might be concerned that I may be making Loki a genius. The only answer I can give is that, even though I say he’s not a genius usually, he is talented in souls. By virtue of experiencing reincarnation and actively studying it all his life, he has a new perspective most don’t have. Not only that, souls are more important and also have a lot more to them than just memories, thoughts, and contracts. He will learn a lot more later about them so stick around, It gets fun.

HypnosCreationscreators' thoughts