
Leaving the Castle

Today's the day!!!

The morning after the party my mother slowly woke me up from the side of the mead hall. Yes mead hall not my room. I had cuddled a stuffed bear in the corner of the room while Alfred used his roots to make me more comfortable.

My head was in so much pain I looked around and unsurprisingly is saw several figures knocked out on the ground.

Aegir was cuddling his wife on a table. She was laying belly up with a whole barrel on her side.

The other generals were scattered around in comical positions.

Even Elder Forseti was passed out by the betting table where my father was lying face first into the table.

Uncle Vili was nowhere to be found...

The rest of the politicians look to have left already.

Now where is elder Bragi. All I remember was him grabbing me to tell me stories of grandeur before I woke up just now.

I looked around only to notice someone wrapped up with another politician in the corner is a somewhat inappropriate manner.

I would say this is surprising but, Elder Bragi is already well known for his "Youth and Vigor".

They were luckily wrapped in a fur blanket.

My mother kneeled next to me and said, "hold still". She placed her hand on my forehead.

Then a soothing green light enveloped her hand. I felt much better and can tell she's removing my hang over.

"Okay all done, why don't you go get ready in your room. We have something important to do outside". My mother said removing her hand from my forehead.

"Outside?" I said shocked. I thought I wasn't leaving for a while now.

She looked at me smiling, "Yes, we will be visiting the inner city today. Now run along while I go tend to your father."

I scampered up and quickly went to my room. I could already see some of the elders coming to as well with confused faces.

Apparently a feast like this hadn't happened in a while. Funny enough, because the feast was such a big event, everyone on the outside also started celebrating in their local mead halls.

Apparently I've become a celebrity.

I went into my room and looked for some nice clothing. If I was going to leave here without the use of a carriage, I'm gonna do it in style.

I quickly got my finest pair of hide pants, an embroidered linen shirt and belt to hold a sword and axe. The belt had pockets to hide some of my more, unprofessional equipment.

I got leather boots on and walked out my room bumping into Hilda.

"Oh hello Hilda." I said with a nervous face.

"Hello your majesty Titan Prince," she said with her signature sarcastic smile. "I'm here to inform you that I have been appointed to be your etiquette teacher. We will begin our lessons today if you would like now that your training has ended".

"Hilda, today I leave the castle by foot so I regret I cannot come to your lovely lessons. Perhaps another time", I said with a princely voice.

She got shocked with that. The prince had never left the castle without being with his father and in a carriage surrounded by guards.

"Are you sure my Prince that is such a wise decision?", she said sweating.

"Why it's my mother and father requesting me to go with them," I said excitedly.

I then noticed something. How was she not informed. It was at this point I contacted Muninn and Alfred and had them find out some info.

Apparently, Hilda had ordered someone special to help her with my etiquette. Her Queen, but I have no idea what that means.

In any case this queen was to whip me up into shape, but since I won't be here, I avoid it.

Not thinking to deeply on it I walk past her.

"Your Majesty, I almost forgot. Please forgive my incompetence but I seem to have missed you in your bed last night. We're you perhaps staying with the rest of the elders in the mead hall".

Hearing her calculating trap sentence I stop for a moment then say, "I slept in Alfred's branches today. It was quite comfortable. You should try it sometime. Oh look at the time, got to go." I sprinted away.

No way was she gonna catch me drinking, who is she, the fun police!

[she's briskly walking after you]



Running into the mead hall I see my father with his hand axe on his side already up eating some breakfast with the rest of the elders.

"OHoHo, if it isn't our little Titan prince", said Bragi laughing.

"You had us laughing with your antics, who knew you were so skilled at knife throwing," said Ulr.

"Surely you jest elders, my skill comes no where near yours." I said with a smile although I was confused.

When did I use my knives yesterday?

"Yes and your use of swearing words is so inventive I'm thinking of sharing to my sailors" said Elder Njord.

And now I'm influencing sailing culture how fun. Thank you alcohol.

"Your majesty Loki!" I heard a femal voice behind me and I quickly scurried next to father.

I looked at him with pleading eyes.

She walked in and saw the crowd where I was sitting. She quickly bowed and walked away.

I think even she knows she can't get away with forcing etiquette down my throat with these guys around.

"So there is something your scared of!" Ulr said while laughing.

"What was it he said yesterday Heimdall while dancing on the table with Bragi?" Ulr asked his neighbor.

"He sang a nursery song about beating every monster he sees to prove he is brave", said Heimdall.

"That looked like a monster to conquer", Aegir chimed in only to be elbowed by Skadi

Ha ha ha ha

I was embarrassed, but I continued to eat.


My mother walked in with a fur coat with lapels made of white feathers. It looked very stylish.

She looked to my father and said "Dear are you ready?"

"Yes Frigga, I was just about to go look for you" he got up.

He put on a dark coat with Raven feathers on it and a less noticeable helm with Horns on it.

He then walked over to me and smiled. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be", I said tugging at my dads hands.

Talk all you guys want but, I know the way to my dads heart. He hasn't really felt like a father considering I've pretty much found a way to take care of myself besides the food but since I was little. It was very rare I needed his personal protection. Buttering him up with hand holding is my best bet here.

[Admit it you like the guy]

Yea yea he isn't too bad.

He took my hand and then my mother grabbed his other with a smile.

"Brother Vili will you lead us to our destination?" My father looked at Uncle Vili.

"I was preparing since yesterday for this so of course I will", he said snapping his finger.

And with that three warrior guards and a returning Hilda appear at the entrance to the hall. They gestured for our happy little family to follow.

This made me feel oddly secure and scared because Hilda was there again.

My father looking at the two of us smiled and lead us out the door.
