

While I rest my eyes under the tree, I heard someone taking steps toward me.

I quickly, in one fluid motion, I threw the small knife, I had tucked behind my head with my left hand in the direction of the steps, and threw myself with my body into a stance using the momentum from that motion. I had already had a hand on my broad sword.

As I was moving the blade in front of my face there was a blade already at my neck.

"Loki, tricks will only get you so far." Said my father with a frown.

He looked into my blue eyes and saw there was no backing down on this one. He gently put the blade down and sheathed.

He then sighed and said with a grin, "At least you have pride in your work."

At this point I had put my blade down.

My father walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I was around four feet tall now and my father is about 6'3. The differences in height are closing in. I'm actually abnormally tall for my age.

He got on one knee and put his other hand on my other shoulder.

Looking me in the eyes he said, "Loki, regardless of the results of today, I am extremely proud of the effort you've put into your training. I've seen you pass out, your blisters and wounds, the long hours you've spent in your study. I'm sorry to have pushed you this far, and I fear I may have robbed you of your childhood. Regardless of all that, I couldn't have asked for a more worthy son".

There's a lot of things unsaid in my family at dinner time. But one of the things we don't talk about is the fact we're under constant threat of assassination because of me.

I know they don't blame me, but it's hard sometime to see them give up so much. It's one of the reasons I've been really dedicated even when my bones break. I'm sure it's even harder for them to see me struggle all the while destroying my childhood. I should be playing with other children in the tribe, though with my older mind I would have rather to not.

I've never said it a loud. I know that even though my father is a slave driver, he's only putting me through this to protect me.

My birth has far reaching consequences, and I need to be ready for them.

Today is my fifth birthday and today all the elders will be present to test my capabilities.

They won't be testing my physical, but mental ones. I will be out through a test of fire that normally only ten year olds go through.

The Asgardians passed on a trait to their descendants called valor. And this test is to check if I have gotten that trait.

This is normally done as a formality to introduce new Warrior apprentices to the tribes training manual of the soul.

It's officiated by one elder of rank 4 atleast. He will use a ritual that will use his own soul power to test the bravery and willpower of those wanting to become warriors. Those with valor will pass.

As the prince, I'm different. I will be tested by all the elders at the same time. Every prince is destined to lead the country and must have strong will power.

I'm doing it so early because I'm about to break into rank 2. Although I have been training, I have not reached puberty yet so it's very rare for someone to reach rank two at my age. Ten is usually the earliest.

My parents did not expect this either until after my third birthday.

The thing about warriors is that they can instinctively sense the rank of an individual through a threat assessment. They knew I was growing too fast. They then planned my scheduled training early so I would be ready for today.

The reason my father is so worried is that, I'm of mixed blood. There's a chance I may not have inherited Valor.

It's common in the tribe for some to not inherit it. It's not shameful in the slightest. The only problem is that the only requirement to be a warrior is valor because there are no manuals for those without valor to train in. It's a key component. Kids that do not have valor usually become scholars, if they want to still be part of the government, or follow other professions.

In a world of powerful creatures, might is right. Strength is the only way we can protect ourselves from the monsters of the forest.

It was one of the harsher lessons I learned early on. Because of this discrepancy, everyone tries to pull their share of work for the tribe to survive. The large castle I live in is more the center of government than my home.

My father has his own income as well. It's a large amount due to the royal family usually accumulating wealth every generation rather than losing it. Even so my father is just like everyone else.

Everyone has their role to play. Including me.

The Aesir must have a king with valor. It is written into the law.

If I don't pass this valor test, I will have effectively doomed the bloodline of my father, and therefore he'd have to leave my mother or worse cheat on her in order to have a baby with valor.

Even so my father has promised to protect us both regardless of the cost. Uncle Ivar is seeing to that.

As my father got up and began to turn to walk away, I saw it. I saw the true figure of a man holding up the weight of a tribe and the weight of a father all in one. It was a solemn one. I quickly caught up to him, and grabbed his arm.

"Father I'll do my best for you both". He turned his head and smiled.

"You always have" he said and quickly made his way to the door leading to the Elders chamber.

"You better start gearing up, it's gonna be a long day". Said a presence that was directly behind me.

"I know uncle Vili. It looks like storm clouds are afoot." I said walking to my gear to get set up.


I walked up to the door of the chamber of Elders.

Behind these doors were twenty-six peer men ready to crash their will against mine.

I checked all my gear one more time for some emotional comfort.

Shin guards are snug, Knee guards in place, Heel Clip on properly, Sling wrapped around me, Axe safely strapped to my back, Powder in utility pocket 1, potions in pocket 2, and gauze and cotton in pocket 3, my belt pockets contain alcohol and rations, my gauntlets are wrapped properly, broad sword on my left waist, all my knives are ready. I looked in my right hand to see a silver spear ready for use and gripped harder.

I turned and looked behind me to see my mother at a distance. She looked worried, but as soon as she notices me looking, she raises her thumb with a smile.

I turn back toward the door. I ask my log a question I did not want answered.

Goddess are you sure I don't have Valor

[I'm not a hundred percent of course, but of all the traits your mixed blood granted you, Valor was not one of them]

It was worth a shot. Atleast I got the weapons mastery from it.

[While were on the subject, the likely reason you did not get valor is quite simple. You weren't born a giant originally. Valor is not a biological trait but a soul trait. If you had gone through a proper cycle of reincarnation, you would have ended up with valor]

But I would have died as well

[Exactly. It's a good trade in my opinion. You have all of the traits from the jotunn, Vanir, and, with the exception of Valor, the Aesir]

Except this is the one trait that can determine my life.

Looking down at the necklace my mother gave me, I said a prayer to the Goddess.

I then took a deep breath and said, "Here we go".

I looked forward, pushed open the doors and take my first step in...

I massed release early because I felt I had too much on drafts. I’m planning on spending the next two days doing grammar checks and plot checks to ensure I have the entire exposition in place.

I’ll return with a regular schedule release, and a more organized set up.

HypnosCreationscreators' thoughts