
Lily's Shocker - 2

Lily Malum was taken to a room that was on the second floor of the building. It appeared to her to be the residential area. There was a large hole that came from the top and into the base of the building as if a cannon had landed there. What had happened here? She looked around and noticed that some rooms were not even being used still the palace was a grand one with rich decorations.

Oh, how I'd have helped Thress rule this kingdom, Lily thought, if only I'd have met him first.

Then she quickly smiled dispelling that naughty line of thought. Lily Malum gaped around the place in shock. The destruction of the place was appalling and she could sense that it had been the energy that had been used to do this, not some physical weapon. And already, there were workers putting the place together. Masons, builders, carpenters, painters, and tailors were all present and harmoniously doing their respective jobs.
