
I Am Too Old For That

And the commander's action and body language confused Ling. It was as if the commander was insinuating something but Ling was not yet able to pinpoint what it was.

"Can you get to the point of what you are trying to say and stop the mind games? I am too old for that," Ling spat irritably. He too rested into his chair and crossed his long legs that were hidden under his overly long black cashmere cloak.

"You want to hand that sword over to the king so that he would use it as a last resort against my- the prince when things get rough between them. True or false, old man?" Mabon said.

His heart had skipped a beat when he had almost misspoke there for a bit. Seth did not want people to know about their relationship yet and that Braith, the woman that the late king had had an affair with, was his sister. And Mabon was ready to keep that secret for as long as his nephew wanted.
