

Ling wondered if the prince was piecing together what he was thinking. He had felt the energy immediately he had walked in. The man had caught his attention. If it wasn't that Ling guessed he would have come invited by the princess, then Ling would have approached him and called him an enemy. That was the kind of energy -- he kind of presence about the man.

And now, he had heard that he had only just returned from the Predor Kingdom. In fact, now it had caught Ling's attention and he was ready to look into it. It had to be treated with utmost importance. The princess and the prince were not going to retire any time soon. This was something to be dealt with now otherwise -- he did not even know what to say. He did not know -- could not tell what would happen if the matter with the man was not resolved. All he knew was that it had to be resolved.

"Can I talk to you, Prince Seth?"
