
Let Us Begin

Seth's face became serious as they continued to eat.

Princess Ruby, on the other hand, hadn't noticed this switch in Seth's facial expression as she was digging into her meal. Ruby was enjoying every bite.

The person that made this meal had already won Ruby over. 

The duck was well cooked at the had stuffed it with seasoned vegetables that added taste to the meat. Beside it was a sauce that was made from fresh peppers and onions. 

To Ruby, she was close to heaven.

"This is so good, Seth", Ruby said. "You have to introduce me to the person that made this meal for us"

Seth nodded.

That was when Ruby looked up and noticed his face. He didn't look so happy anymore.

"What is the problem, Seth?", Ruby asked. "Don't you like a stuffed duck?". She thought it had something to do with the food. [Maybe he didn't like it, and had the cook make it just for my sake], Ruby thought.

"No, Ruby. It is not the food. The food is perfect"
