
50 - Search

Li Yun took the following day off and drove to the Yide Police Department. As he was driving, the car alerted him of an incoming call from Xuxu. He pressed the green phone icon.

"Hey, what's up?" asked Li Yun.

"I heard you're looking for Chu Rouxi."

"You know her?"

"My business partner."

"Seriously?" Li Yun should have known these women knew each other. "So she's really in real estate?"

"It's an enterprise we started recently, and real estate is the main focus."

"Did you talk to her?"

"I talked to her after I found out that you were looking for her."

"What did she say?"

"I'll give you her number and you can ask her."

Xuxu hung up, and a moment later, a message appeared with a number.

His hands gripped the wheel with a bit of hesitation. He wanted to look for her, but he wasn't sure what he would do if he saw her again. She had fooled him, but was that enough reason for him to be obsessed with her? If that was the only reason, did he even need to see her again? Or maybe he should see her again to resolve an unanswered question, why did she target him in the first place?

Parked in a vacate lot by police station, Li Yun quickly messaged Chu Rouxi.

Li Yun got out of the car and met up with Bu Tao inside the conference room. After formulating a quick action plan, Bu Tao and Detective Dan walked inside the interrogation room, while Li Yun sat in front of a monitor, watching the live feed displaying the room next door.

Bu Tao and Detective Dan took turns asking questions.

"Detective, I have already answered everything already, you can ask my lawyer if you have anything else."

"Well, it's a closed case. If two fingers stored in your apartment isn't enough to put you behind bars, I'll throw you in myself. Or better yet, I'll give Mr. Ning Ju De your location."

Wen Fubin gritted his teeth as he looked at his bandaged hand right. "What do you want? I already told you I don't know where my wife is. She disappeared. If I knew where that ***** is, I'll show you the corpse myself."

"So you're telling me you have nothing to do with her disappearance? It's kind of hard to believe. You think she ran away when she figured out you were a lunatic?"

"Could be? How would I know?" Wen Fubin shrugged his shoulders and twitched his head to the right.

"Want to explain to us again what happened between the two of you? We heard from her parents that when you two met in college, it was a love match. They were against it at first, but since you had a stable job, they agreed on the marriage. What happened afterward?"

"Our personality didn't match. She was outgoing, and I prefer my own quiet places."

"Were you attracted to her because she was ongoing?"

"Probably. She was different from me." Wen Fubin shrugged his left shoulders slightly.

"What made her attracted to you?"

"She liked that I was dark and different from her usual group of friends. Now that I think about it, she probably liked our contrast. It made her jump out more. She was constantly craving attention."

"So when your attention wasn't enough, she sought out another man?"

"Not another man, other men. She was careful at first."

"When did you find out?"

"She was going out to her friends a lot. I didn't like her friends, so I didn't realize she was going to her boyfriends until I decided to visit her friend. Her friend told me she was probably staying at another friend's place. I knew they were all lying at that point, so I started following her."

"Did you follow them to a hotel?"

"I did."

"Did you confront them?"

"No." Wen Fubin clenched his fist in anger. "But I should have."

"Why didn't you?"

"I didn't want to lose her. Although she was cheating on me, she was still my wife."

"But she continued cheating on you with more men?"

Wen Fubin nodded.

"When did she disappear? What happened that day?"

"I guess she started to notice someone following her. Once she figured out it was me, she decided there was no point in staying."

"Why run off without a trace and not to her parents or friends?"

"How would I know!?" Wen Fubin's mood turned sour. "I put in a missing person report the day after."

"You like to write horror stories, is that like an outlet for your violent obsession?"

"It could be. I liked to collect chicken feet when I was growing up. After we moved to the urban area, it was difficult to find them. I had to write stories to fulfill my needs."

"Is that the reason for staying so late in the library?"

"There are a lot of resources there."

Wen Fubin didn't look like he was lying during the interrogation, but that didn't mean much when someone rehearsed something over and over.

"His anger that he expressed when they mentioned she ran off is very real," Li Yun said into the microphone. "It means there was an attempt. She was very likely going back to her parents, but he stopped her. They got into an argument, and he accidentally killed her. However, although he wanted to kill her, it was not how he intended it to happen. Ask him where he hid the body."

"Where did you hide the body?" asked Bu Tao.

Wen Fubin snorted in disgust. "I already told you, I don't know what happened to her."

Li Yun looked through a list of places Wen Fubin often visited, the library, his home, and a cafe. He didn't go to many places. Bu Tao already had his men scout out all the locations, even the library where Wen Fubin had worked previously when his wife was still with him.

Li Yun didn't believe Wen Fubin was the type to dump his wife anywhere random. The man was obsessed with her. Even after everything she did, he didn't confront her. It was her who wanted to leave.

"Ask him if it's still in the library," Li Yun said.

"Is the body still in the library?" Bu Tao asked.

"Why would it be in the library?" Wen Fubin asked.

Every time Wen Fubin was asked a question he didn't want to answer, he would respond with a question. It was a typical tactic to avoid answering questions.

"So he could watch her at all times," Li Yun replied. "Lao Bu, let's go to the library."

Bu Tao excused himself, and a small team headed to the library.

"We had the canine unit looked through, but we didn't find anything," said Bu Tao. "He only started working here a year ago, so you really think he bought the corpse here?"

"I analyzed the case a bit with Ju De, and we both think that if time wasn't pressing, Wen Fubin would try to preserve the body as much as possible," Li Yun explained as they walked around the library.
