

Hutch was speechless. This wasn't a joke; you couldn't just do this.

"The situation has changed a lot since you died, old man. I'll let others fill you in, but I want to make it clear that I'm not giving you a choice."

Leonel gave the old man a level glance.

Old Hutch shook his head. He could feel that there were two secrets hidden within Leonel's gaze.

The first was more happy and cheery, the interpretation he wanted to take while ignoring the other. And that was that Leonel was forcing his hand so that he didn't feel guilt about abandoning his position. After all, if Leonel was the one forcing him to stay by his grandson's side, it wasn't really his choice, right?

But Old Hutch was a veteran, a man of many battles who had seen countless things. He knew that this kid before him now was the same child he had known back then.
