
Pass? Or Not...

Leonel met their gazes, his own narrowing. The sight of the Libra brothers wasn't something that he was expecting, it was the first time he was seeing such odd humans. The natural blue hair of the Adurna family was already a great shock to him, but the white as clouds and dark as night skin of the twins was yet another culture shock for Leonel. The both of them seemed as though they had been painted into reality rather than being naturally occurring. 

Still, Leonel only lingered on this thought for a moment. What was more intriguing was the odd way Force moved about the two of them. There was a clear push and pull effect between the two brothers as though they were pulling in Force together and separating it into parts in a game of tug of war. In the end, there would be a light pop and the 'rope' would cleanly separate, leaving each brother with their own clean half of the Force. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
