

For a moment, Leonel's slow and deliberate breaths became the only sound in the loading lobby. That attack just now was simply too shocking. They all felt that if they entered even the general vicinity of it, they would have been torn to shreds. At this point, they could only be happy that the Radiant Core was only the size of a palm. If it was any larger and retained the ability to send Force, especially sharp Level Two Force, into a wild spin like that… There was no telling the kind of devastation that Leonel could cause. 

As for Dycon and the members of the Radix family, their level of shock was even beyond the Midas. 

If it was the other regions of the Fort, they might still be able to accept it. However, beneath the thick metal flooring, there was a highly compressed Fifth Dimensional metal, processed via a special technique. The result was a metal alloy only marginally weaker than true Sixth Dimensional metals. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
