
The Truth

Leonel stood with a clenched jaw. He had no idea if Lionel was truly related to him or not, but his last words resonated with his soul. 

At that moment, Leonel couldn't help but hesitate. The deed had already been done, but had he truly made the right choice? Had this been the right way to do things? Had he been true to himself and done what he wanted, or had he just used the same logic The Empire had only to add his own 'unique' twist. 


Leonel didn't sigh a breath of relief what things were over. Instead, he shot backward to Coach Owen. 

With Vice's ability having been blocked by Leonel for a long while now, medics had long since gotten to the Governor Duke. But, whether they'd be able to do anything was a different matter entirely. 

By now, those guards who weren't of help had been led by Garwin to assault Hargrove City. Among those that remained, they were all the top of the line healers Dark Cloud Prison had to offer. 
