
Strength for protection

Norma Weasley played with her silky black hair that was half tied and looked at the mare. White adorned with grey freckles, "papa isn't this one beautiful?"

Mr Weasley watched what had caught his daughter's eyes and saw a mare that stood taller than the other horses here. Perfectly muscular and proud, with neck held high. "It is a beautiful one darling, do you wish to have it?"

Norma's eyes held a sparkle, "can I have it, papa?" And Mr Weasley gave her an approving nod, and she jumped up to hug her father. "You are the best, papa. You know what I will name him, Chestnut"

"Excuse me," Prudence's panting voice interrupted Norma's joy. Both the father and the daughter turned to look at Prudence, whose chest was heaving due to fast and frantic walking. "This is a mare, her name is Daisy and unfortunately it is already owned by someone" She bowed politely, showing respect.

Norma wasn't happy hearing this. She had met Prudence before, when she had come to buy horses on this farm. There was a distaste she held towards Prudence, as she held against every other person who did not match her own status. She stood up high and mighty in front of Prudence and spoke, " I am sure we can strike a bargain with the owner. My father can afford a hundred such horses"

Prudence bowed, keeping fingers interlaced in front of her. " I am sorry madam, this one is a mustang, Untamed. And I believe the owner does not wish to sell her"

She was trying to hide the fact that Daisy belonged to her. But Norma was being adamant, "untamed you say, I would love to ride the wild one then. Of course, I know ways to make them succumb" Hearing the words made Prudence's blood boil. Did the girl use cruel methods to bring the other horses at her farm in control, Prudence thought to herself. Norma took a step ahead from beside her father to tower over Prudence, "Call in the owner"

Prudence finally lifted her gaze. She saw a pompous girl in front of her and then her eyes shifted to look at the girl's father. A pleading look came into Prudence's eyes, and Norma's father understood Prudence held sentimental values in that horse.

Mr Weasley was a doting father. He only had one daughter, and he had spoiled her heavens. But the man was not as partial as his daughter. He was one of the rare ones who rose from the slums, and so he made sure his daughter enjoyed every bit of wealth. "Norma dear, why don't you prepare for the race with a horse you are familiar with as of now. I will negotiate the mare"

Norma was happy hearing this, "Yes papa" She went outside the stables, where a horse was prepared for her, not sparing another glance at Prudence.

Prudence watched Norma go out and turned back to Mr Weasley, but he talked before she could. "Do you plan on buying this mare, girl? Because I don't believe any sane person would buy a mustang and also the fact that a stable girl like you owns this." He held his hand behind his back with the stick he was carrying. A lot of men belonging to the upper class had a designed stick and usually a hat that looked better than the simple round black hat which middle-class men carried.

Prudence bowed deeper this time. "The mare is wild, sir. We have been unsuccessful in breaking her and she refuses human company." She knew this man would buy Daisy from her in the blink of an eye for this daughter's happiness. Even if Prudence refused to sell it.

Mr Weasley watched between the horse and the girl who pleaded with him. He understood how much this horse would mean for a mere stable girl if she had bought it in instalments.

Somewhere he wanted to teach his daughter how to respect others, but his love was uncontrolled when it came to pampering Norma. "If you own this horse, I can pay you double the price." He turned to see Prudence, who stood with a stronger resolve, and added, "I can arrange a job for you at our family's personal stables, so you help with breaking the mare. Norma will find another nice horse in a few years, then you can buy this one back from us"

There was no reason for hiding if Mr Weasley had seen through her. Prudence smiled at the man. "I am sorry, sir, middle-class people like us treasure relations over money. We only have surety over relationships, as money has never been by our side in bitter times. Even if Daisy is not a person, there are many emotional values I share with her. She is very dear to me, and I do not wish to part ways with her."

Mr Weasley had a big grin on his face. The girl's words made him nostalgic, but his daughter's happiness was over everything else. "Are you sure the horse holds you dear as well? Why don't we test it, let Norma ride Daisy for her drafting"

Prudence's eyebrows creased. The question was very heavy, and she did not want to lose Daisy just because Norma took fascination towards her horse. Mr Carswell might get swayed by the amount Norma's father was willing to pay and give Daisy away. Though Mr Carswell would never be that cruel, the fear and insecurity of losing someone were heavy in her heart since last night.

Norma's voice suddenly resonated inside the stable, "Papa, what is taking so long? Hurry, the sun is burning my skin"

"Yes, darling," Mr Weasley called his daughter by the wave of his hand, "why don't try Daisy during the drafting for nationals."

Norma's eyes lit up. "Yes, absolutely. I would love to race her during nationals as well." Mr Weasley patted his daughter's head while she was busy taking in the beauty that Daisy held. Norma moved a little closer to Daisy's stall and the horse's nose flared as it neighed in disagreement. Norma rather looked intrigued by the gesture. "Such liveliness. Chestnut is a perfect name for you even if you are a girl," said Norma to the horse.

The colour on Prudence's face evaporated after hearing Norma had already named the horse. She had been going through so much anxiety after the stun she had pulled yesterday, so much she felt things were going to be taken away from her. She felt a drop of sweat flow down her back.

"Girl," Mr Weasley called in a loud voice, and Prudence snapped her head to him. "What are you waiting for? Get the horse ready"

Both the father and daughter stepped out of the stables and Prudence could not move her feet for some seconds before she carefully moved towards Daisy's stall. It was a year ago they had brought Daisy to this farm. Only five months ago, the horse finally started breaking, but it was only with Prudence, and Mr Carswell, tired of the mare, had agreed to give her to Prudence to be paid in instalments.

Prudence placed the bitless bridle on the horse's nose and strapped the saddle. Daisy brushed her nose against Prudence's cheek and it almost made Prudence cry.

She placed her forehead against Daisy's. There was a relief that washed over Prudence seeing the mare not rejecting her touch. She pulled back with a determined expression. "I know you will never leave my side, Daisy. Let's show Norma that not everything is for her to take"

Prudence always felt her strength come from things she wanted to protect. Though her anxiety was fresh, she would not let that come in between what she wanted to protect.

Daisy huffed in agreement and neighed. Prudence let out a little laugh and brought Daisy outside, where the horse would be run, to check the rider's and the horse's speed. There were two white fences on the farm and they had opened one side of both the fences to join them and create a long fence course. Prudence brought Daisy to one end, where Norma came running with excitement.

Norma saw the horse having a bitless bridle, and her eyes shot at Prudence. "Do you think this is a joke? Where is the bit? I am sure your dumb brains know a horse cannot be direct well with a bitless bridle"

Prudence gave Norma an apologetic look. Not for bringing the horse with a bitless bridle, but because she would be facing a proud mustang. "Apologies, the horse is not broken yet. She doesn't let us place the bit in her mouth. She seems to be comfortable around you. How about you try? This way you will also familiarise yourself with the mare." Prudence carried an innocent smile, knowing she had coaxed Norma's ego well.

Norma would have refused such work, but hearing how a wild horse felt about her company was comfortable, her neck lifted. "Bring the bridle with a soft bit. I will personally look after the mustang"

Prudence immediately got one and Daisy was surprisingly calm till she returned. Handing the bridle to Norma, Prudence stepped back to enjoy the show.

Mr Weasley was busy talking with Mr Carswell, who was asking him to let Prudence record her speed today. Mr Weasley had just agreed and turned to where his daughter was and saw her walk close to Daisy alone, with a bridle in her hand. "Norma!" His voice was lost with the wind and he paced towards his daughter in worry.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Eaagles_wingscreators' thoughts