
Our Bubbly Little Spirit

"We're going to need a plan if we want to get back. Any ideas?" Manny asked as the group sat around the living room. The TV was quietly playing in the background as the group looked at each other. "We should split up and look for clues."

"Do you think the library would have anything we need?" Liz asked.

"Dunno, but we could try." Evan replied. 

"Some of us could go to the Guild and find some information there." Keng suggested.

"Liz, Evan, and I can go to the library to look up some information." Manny suggested. "There'll probably be computers there and we could look up information on the state of Capitol City. The city should be a buzzword, right?"

"Wouldn't that be risky? Wouldn't it be better to use the phones the Guild gave us?" Olivia waved her phone in the air. 

"The Guild could be tracking it." Ritsuka pointed out.
