
What the Future Holds

Lee Seng's luck has always been strange. It was a fact he grew up always hearing because he was a "miracle baby." When Vang and Chee were struggling most while Vang was still studying to be a doctor, Chee was stopped and told good things would come at a price to their family as a whole.

"You… are seeing someone, yes?" The young woman asked. 

"Yeah? Why?" Chee asked. She was a bit taken aback someone had literally called for her and ran after her. She didn't know this woman and she resembled a college student at best.

"Well, I just had a feeling that you and your husband were trying to have a kid. You have an aura about you that you want kids. Does he want kids?" The young woman asked. Chee grew a bit uncomfortable, scooting away from the woman. The young woman stuck her and out, telling her to wait. "I ask because you will eventually have a child! Just not yet. Focus on your careers and time will come for you to bear child."
